I cant understand

Flower June 3, 2024 4:44 pm

Just for what reason is Aeroc still keeping contact with Klopp in this lifetime. I hate the fact that they will most obviously be endgame. All that torture from 1st life went to naught

    Cheeseycow June 3, 2024 10:51 pm

    I'm pretty sure they aren't endgame like there's another lifetime after this one where spoiler spoiler don't read more if you don't want spoiler klopp will remember but aeroc will forget I can't really remember but I third life is all about klopp seeing aeroc for who he was and then comparing him to what he became in the first life and it's more of his own personal torture at least from the novel summary and maybe I'm remembering wrong but they don't really end up together but maybe they do and I'm just a liar I can't remember

    Moriarty June 3, 2024 11:34 pm
    I'm pretty sure they aren't endgame like there's another lifetime after this one where spoiler spoiler don't read more if you don't want spoiler klopp will remember but aeroc will forget I can't really remember... Cheeseycow

    So no 6 children?

    Cheeseycow June 3, 2024 11:47 pm
    So no 6 children? Moriarty

    My memory is hazy in that summary I read but I just remember the third life had me feeling it wasn't a happy ending ish but more of a closure so I don't think they had 6 children in the third life

    Moriarty June 3, 2024 11:53 pm

    :( bummer

    misterchan June 4, 2024 6:23 am

    aeroc literally said he loved klopp while he was dying lol also i’m pretty sure imprinting has got to do with this as well