I probably would have waited if I found it 5 years ago too tbh, 10 years ago I would read anything ongoing or not. But this one is probably the only manga I've religiously read every single update since I started, I usually forget and re-read every few years with other ongoing manga lol. Its just too good
I feel like it probably will reach a conclusion in maybe 2 volumes? I'm hopeful at least, it feels like it's reaching some sort of climax at least
Don't even get me started on 19 days!!! I've been thirsty for ANY type of crumbs from the main couple for forever it feels like. Moo and He Tian has waaay more development lmao. I catch up with it like once a year and I still feel like it's at mostly at a stalemate...
Staying strong in my resolve not to read this until it’s finally completed. I think it’s been almost 2 years now