Or or just hear me out....

Luna June 3, 2024 10:53 am


    levipleasecallmeback June 3, 2024 10:58 am

    you mean the absent father who treats him like crap and made it known he never once saw him as a son? and literally gloats about his replacement, rishar, right in his face sounds so simple and easy

    not to mention the abuse made him reliant on his mom too…

    FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS June 3, 2024 10:59 am

    That darn emperor never gave a fuck about Etienne. If he had, he would have noticed the Empress was poisoning him . Plus, he's too scared of her and have to rely on Rishar and Etienne to clean and wipe out the Herace fam and overthrow the empress . If only he was a good daddy

    fwopfwop June 3, 2024 11:04 am

    Yea no i bet the king will jusy say oh no is that what she has been doing? Why didnt u tell me before. If you have told me i wouldve done something blah blah anyways, this is great now you can never really ascend the throne, thanks for telling me

    levipleasecallmeback June 3, 2024 11:07 am
    Yea no i bet the king will jusy say oh no is that what she has been doing? Why didnt u tell me before. If you have told me i wouldve done something blah blah anyways, this is great now you can never really asce... fwopfwop


    i’m sorry hanguang-jun June 3, 2024 11:09 am

    the king would only further blame etienne and the king is also a bigass coward so this new info will only open one door in his head and that's to make rishar the king faster. he doesn't care about his son at all. poor etty was failed by both his parents T.T

    Rixz June 3, 2024 11:13 am

    Lol remember when he told his father about the empress' plan and how he doesn't want to become the emperor? Do you remember what the emperor did?? He literally tried to guilt trip and manipulate MC to take his side. He literally showed him portraits of the dead royal family members and told him there might be more up there loool. My guess is the emperor is just gonna throw MC under the bus if did tell him.

    fwopfwop June 3, 2024 11:15 am

    But plus points for effort and honesty move love, just wrong person to tell.

    なんでもない~ June 3, 2024 11:32 am
    Yea no i bet the king will jusy say oh no is that what she has been doing? Why didnt u tell me before. If you have told me i wouldve done something blah blah anyways, this is great now you can never really asce... fwopfwop

    Deadass what I thought it’s the « why didn’t you tell me » knowing damn well he will do nothing even if he knew

    Yuna June 3, 2024 11:39 am

    I hate you for liking the father so much, he's not better than the mother even for the slightest

    i’m sorry hanguang-jun June 3, 2024 12:10 pm
    I hate you for liking the father so much, he's not better than the mother even for the slightest Yuna

    your lack of reading comprehension makes me so sad