I kinda of like it but I really hate that to avoid getting raped he has to make a move on ...

snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 2:24 pm

I kinda of like it but I really hate that to avoid getting raped he has to make a move on the ML first. That's essentially the same thing this is Stockholm syndrome with extra steps i fear but im still gonna read cause mc is kinda funny

Edit if you dont like toxic webtoons dont believe the comments, those commenters are capping about it not being toxic. The ML is obsessed with MC and wants to rape him but holds back because MC is being nice to him and keeps going "noo you dont gotta rape me since I like u back teehee" to avoid it. I mean the ML doesnt do it *yet* but theres an overall gist if MC loses his "trust" that he will end up raped. But mangago readers can be delusional so to them this isnt red flags or toxic cause the guy who WANTS to rape him is holding himself back. How sweet

Edit no 2 cause I'm getting weird comments yall it's ok to like toxic romance stories. I didnt even trash the story, if I didnt like it I wouldnt read or comment. The first thing I said is about MCs literal tactic being to get romantic with him to avoid being raped. If you guys deny what the MC has literally been saying then you weren't reading.

also, all i said after that is stop lying in the comments that the ML isnt toxic?? Guys I'm gonna tell this cause no one else will, if you dont consider this toxic you truly have brain rot and you need to step away from the yaoi for a lil while. It's ok to like toxic stories and sure, it's not nearly as brutal as some other ones but outright denying the man foaming at the mouth cause bro looked at another man isnt toxic is weird. Once again it's ok to like toxic stories, we can all enjoy them but let's not like them then say that they arent. I made that second paragraph for people misleading readers who dont like toxic romance. Thank u for ur time

Damn editing this deletes the replies to me but i edited cause basically people were mad I said this was toxic, or saying that this isnt toxic because theres way worse out there cause that's definitely how things work

    Rain June 3, 2024 12:29 pm

    The essential of this story is to change tragedy that happened in the novel he read. Of course he will do anything to avoid it to happened and the result is ml will change his attitude too. I believe the story won't be to toxic trope based on this. And I don't understand Stockholm syndrome part bcs mc now is diff person

    jigubaby June 3, 2024 12:39 pm

    i dont give a shit if you're a reader who loves policing a fictional plot but your reading comprehension is so bad lmao

    chocobuun June 3, 2024 1:20 pm

    According to the comments who say it’s not toxic, it’s because they’re basing it off of what’s already been uploaded or the raws. So far, the ML hasn’t done anything other than what’s already been shown in the translation. For someone that doesn’t have to be nice to the mc, he chose to be nice because the mc is said to have DID by the doctor. He’s following everything the mc says and by the raws, he only touched the mc when mc initiates it. He can still be a red flag due to his previous actions or the plot that has said so- but so far his actions have not proven to be toxic.
    Toxic/red flags are based on everyone’s level of what they consider to be toxic. As someone who reads both red flag and green flag stories, this guy is near the lowest of the “most toxic” list. Some people just value actions over thoughts. Realistically people think of messed up things all the time, like wanting to murder someone or possibly not caring for the death of someone, being judge mental of others, as examples, but what actually matters is the actions. You seem to value thoughts that most won’t be a mind reader to know over actual actions.

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 1:30 pm
    The essential of this story is to change tragedy that happened in the novel he read. Of course he will do anything to avoid it to happened and the result is ml will change his attitude too. I believe the story ... Rain

    I said the Stockholm thing mainly to be silly but also I just get the vibe that's how its gonna turn out based on how it's going. Among other things like where he needs to get romantic with him, touch his hand and assure him he loves him too to avoid him acting crazy. I'm not criticising him or the plot cause like what else can he do in this situation. I know hes just trying get through the story without getting a bad end. I'm criticising the commenters recommending the story to people who dont like toxic stories. If you scroll down theres a lot of people who are saying it's not toxic just cause its toned down from the original story.

    Like, the way the ML acts isnt as horrible as he was in the original plot of the book, but I feel like the comments saying if u dont like toxic stories to read this one is misleading that's all.

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 1:35 pm
    i dont give a shit if you're a reader who loves policing a fictional plot but your reading comprehension is so bad lmao jigubaby

    average mangago reader with brainrot after someone says a man who wants to rape someone is toxic Im into the story too bro but let's call it as it is. It's ok to like toxic stories, but it's weird to like them and pretend they're not. Hope this helps

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 2:07 pm
    According to the comments who say it’s not toxic, it’s because they’re basing it off of what’s already been uploaded or the raws. So far, the ML hasn’t done anything other than what’s already been s... chocobuun

    If this was another story I'd agree with you but I dont think that applies here. MCs whole strategy to get through this unharmed is to act romantic with him so he doesnt end up raping him. Like when he kisses him first in the office or had a break down the first time he arrived at the whole. The ML even straight up says hes gonna fuck him and thats the whole purpose to him buying him.

    By the way, far the MC only "initiates touch" when hes terrified the ML is gonna "touch" him in a different way if be doesnt first. To act like that's not the case is textbook reading with your eyes closed. Also, "nice"??? Right now the ML is hot then cold, but nice is a stretch. I get that hes toned down from the original story. But I dont think buying pizza and letting him go for walks is considered nice if he simultaneously tells him he'll rape him cause another alpha talked to him.

    And yeah, you might be right that he's around the lowest of the most toxic list, I agree with that. But what does that have to do with what I said? I just warned people that other commenters are lying when they say it's not toxic. I dont want people who dislike toxic MLs to come across this, believe the comments, only to get a guy who orders pizza hut then calls the mc a little slut for looking at another man

    By the way I like the plot and hope the MC succeeds and I am curious how its gonna go. But I've noticed manhwa writers will deliberately write toxic MLs so fans can appreciate the character development and root for the romance, but on mangago readers will just straight up deny that anything is toxic. I truly dont get it, we can all enjoy the story but why lie and say it's not toxic. Right now the ML is changing but he still has a ways to go before he isnt a loose cannon.That's the whole point of the story. Hes trying to tame a toxic ML to get out of this unscathed.

    I never even said he was he most toxic ML or anything remotely like that, I just said MC is scared of getting raped, (which is true and I'm dying to see how u deny that), and that he was toxic so commenters shouldnt lie about that. Im not even sure what your defending, cauze I didnt even attack anything. I like reading toxic dark romance too but I wonder why none of you guys can admit that either. It's ok in the future before jumping to defend nothing, please read peoples' comments carefully and make sure your brain isnt rotted before responding thank you

    cloud June 3, 2024 2:55 pm

    nah youre actually correct

    chocobuun June 3, 2024 3:08 pm
    If this was another story I'd agree with you but I dont think that applies here. MCs whole strategy to get through this unharmed is to act romantic with him so he doesnt end up raping him. Like when he kisses h... snakeheadxx

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m referring to the raws, which has shown more actions and the relationship between the ML and MC. Which I call nice. Aka agreeing to almost everything the MC asks. MC also initiated having sex with him and ML asked if he was sure, and MC said yes. ML didn’t push the mc for sex or ask to do it. Somehow they ended up making out more than once, each times initiated by the MC. And both times I don’t remember the mc being afraid of him in those moments. He seemed pretty attracted to the ML to me.
    Either way, people have different levels they consider toxic. I’ve literally seen several people irl who think some dumb asf stuff as toxic like mutually trolling relationships where couples roast each other. So one person’s belief of certain things being toxic may not be true for others. Rather than saying “not true” it’s more so you should just let people read the story themselves and judge rather than assume what they would think.

    chocobuun June 3, 2024 3:17 pm
    If this was another story I'd agree with you but I dont think that applies here. MCs whole strategy to get through this unharmed is to act romantic with him so he doesnt end up raping him. Like when he kisses h... snakeheadxx

    To add to that, what I consider toxic vs what I consider as a red flag are different things. Red flag to me is just a character/person who has a concerning trait or does certain bad actions. Toxic character/person makes me believe they’re completely a bad person. An example could be that I consider a character who’s a gang member that beats dudes up a red flag, but he could be real nice to the mc. A toxic character to me is more like a scum person that I wouldn’t bother to care for at all. It just shows people have different thoughts on what’s toxic or not. I agree that the ML is definitely a red flag, but I also don’t agree with him being called toxic when his actions proved differently from what he said he would do.

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 4:03 pm
    To add to that, what I consider toxic vs what I consider as a red flag are different things. Red flag to me is just a character/person who has a concerning trait or does certain bad actions. Toxic character/per... chocobuun

    That's interesting but a toxic person simply is a person who does bad things. It could be a generally normal person who can be good but does some bad things or just a completely evil person. What you consider a 'red flag' is the definition a toxic person. Theres no such thing as a person who IS a red flag. A red flag is a behaviour or warning sign ABOUT a person that should warn you that they're toxic. The only time people call a person a red flag, instead of saying they HAVE red flags, is on the internet as a joke to be like "wow they dont just have red flags, they ARE the red flag". It is crazy to tell other people they're wrong according to your new made up definition of a word that probably comes for your own misunderstanding

    chocobuun June 3, 2024 4:25 pm
    That's interesting but a toxic person simply is a person who does bad things. It could be a generally normal person who can be good but does some bad things or just a completely evil person. What you consider a... snakeheadxx

    Actually if you’ve been on the internet and have seen any of the comments on almost every story of this site, you would know people refer to characters quite literally as flags, green/red. To you that’s what you think, but I’ve personally seen it referred by many people differently. Sure that may be the true definition but lots of words have changed and have been used regularly differently. There’s a whole trend as well as people who ask genuine recommendations for “red flag ML, green flag ML.” If you read a lot or are on social media a lot, I’ve seen hundreds of people literally describe characters by red or green flags and have seen people seriously ask if the ML is one. It’s not a misunderstanding, you just haven’t seen much or take words for one use too literally.

    Sometimes words are not always used for one purpose. Toxic was never meant to only be reserved to describe relationships or people but people started using that word regularly only for that didn’t they? Lmfao. It used to be meant for substances to be described as poisonous and I doubt the originator of the word meant for it to be used how it is now. So the point you’re trying to make over a word I use, literally makes no sense for the word toxic that you keep using.
    Also please reread my comments, what exactly do you think I told you was wrong? I would like to know what you understood from my reply. The only “wrong” thing I stated was my thoughts on how you should let other people read and decide for themselves since they may have different opinions on what they consider as toxic. And that’s true, everyone has different opinions on that.

    chocobuun June 3, 2024 4:27 pm
    That's interesting but a toxic person simply is a person who does bad things. It could be a generally normal person who can be good but does some bad things or just a completely evil person. What you consider a... snakeheadxx

    I also would like for you to also reply to my first comment which you seem to have ignored?

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 4:41 pm
    I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m referring to the raws, which has shown more actions and the relationship between the ML and MC. Which I call nice. Aka agreeing to almost everything the MC asks. MC ... chocobuun

    That's nice to hear their relationship improves and I cant wait to read that part but so far I've been talking about the ML as he is now in the chapters released here. When those chapters come out in the future, maybe l'll talk about his character development instead of how toxic he is. but for now I'm going off what is actively happening in the parts we all have access to. Cause even if he isnt toxic later it doesnt change that hes toxic now. Did u expect me to not say anything about what's currently happening in uploads based on what happens in chapters that I cant even read yet? I'm still gonna comment on new chapters based on its content, never mind what happens later thanks to people's spoilers

    I cant tell if u are having a hard time accepting something u enjoy is toxic or if u really do need to take a step back from the yaoi, cause you're starting to think something that is textbook toxicity is not that bad just cause worse stuff happens in other stories. I dont know which is this case with u You're right that this kind of thing can sometimes be subjective but... not in this case. Your example of someone saying roasting in a relationship is toxic is the opposite end of an extreme where someone thinks everything is toxic. They just have a low tolerance for what they consider toxic and you are the other end of that extreme where you consider nothing but the worst toxic. You'd both be wrong but thats fine. it's all about tolerance. People read what they tolerate.

    Yeah, people can judge what level of toxic is tolerable to them and that's fine but you need to know the difference between 'a level of toxic you accept' and what is straight up 'not toxic'. Cause I think you've started to blur that line. I think even if you have a higher tolerance for toxic behaviour I'm sure you're still aware of what is generally considered toxic by most people. Because most people would consider what I mentioned toxic. Even if you personally dont feel this is *that* toxic, not recognising other people would is crazy. You have a different standard, that's fine, but outright denying its toxic is strange behaviour. That's what annoyed me about those comments. They should know that this is moderately toxic so they shouldnt comment "wow I'm so glad this isnt toxic" cause then people who try avoid stories like this would try to read it then get jumpscared by MC desperately trying to talk himself out of getting raped. Anyways. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 4:42 pm
    I also would like for you to also reply to my first comment which you seem to have ignored? chocobuun

    Look up^^^

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 4:49 pm
    Actually if you’ve been on the internet and have seen any of the comments on almost every story of this site, you would know people refer to characters quite literally as flags, green/red. To you that’s wha... chocobuun

    You're right, it is kind of slang now to call people red flag or green flags, my bad. But your definition of toxic characters being completely bad people and 'red flag' being someone who just does some bad things is a personal definition. You should recognize it as that. But ok fine, switch out all the times I said toxic and put red flag if that makes it easier for you to understand my point i dont even know what we're doing at this point. God bless

    chocobuun June 3, 2024 5:17 pm
    That's nice to hear their relationship improves and I cant wait to read that part but so far I've been talking about the ML as he is now in the chapters released here. When those chapters come out in the future... snakeheadxx

    I don’t think you’ve noticed but I’ve already said more than once that I do consider the ML to be a red flag. You also seem to be confused because I won’t refer to him as the word you like to use, which is toxic. Which means you also think I automatically consider him to be good? Honestly my initial whole issue is you feeling the need to judge whether something is toxic or not and saying it like it’s factual when it’s something based off of your personal opinion. When I simply think you could just let people judge for themselves instead of deny others comments which are different from yours.

    Rather than saying, “it’s definitely toxic, don’t try reading it if you don’t like toxic.” I’ve seen more people steered away and comment that they avoided stories due to negative comments, and be upset that they didn’t read it until now because of it. Which is why it’s better to just make your own judgments and don’t rely on/have others rely on opinions. Anyways you don’t need to worry about my mindset about toxic-ness, as I can separate fiction from reality just fine. What I think of in fiction is separate from what I think of in reality.
    Either way, if it wasn’t enough, people who have common sense and dislike red flag stories- would have already been steered away by the title, description, tags, and spoilers. If they don’t have that common sense then that’s just for them to learn and figure out so they can use that lesson to pick stories next time rather than rely on comments every time

    snakeheadxx June 3, 2024 6:36 pm
    I don’t think you’ve noticed but I’ve already said more than once that I do consider the ML to be a red flag. You also seem to be confused because I won’t refer to him as the word you like to use, which... chocobuun

    You're right, I didn't notice because you kept going "he's not toxic, he's a red flag!!!" and for the life of me I could not understand what the hell you thought the difference was. I get now you just have an issue with my choice of words cause you apply a different meaning to them, great.

    Also I didnt say people should say "dont read this". I said people shouldnt say it isnt toxic- nevermind forgot you dont like that word- but hey the fact is most people, maybe not you, but most people relate the word toxic to what you consider "red flag". So consider it me saying people shouldnt say the ML isnt a 'red flag' when he is. I dont know how to explain this any clearly to you.

    And dw I never questioned if you can differentiate fiction from reality. I just said not being able to recognise "toxic-ness" even in media is concerning. but I'm glad to know you can, I just didnt realise it because you just call it must be calling it red flag-ness apparently?

    Idk about your last comment. That's kinda my whole point. If comments are saying "this isnt toxic!!" (interchange with red flag cause I'm not doing this again with you) why wouldn't they believe it? If someone thinks "oh this story isnt for me" but then they scroll by the comments and see people reassuring others that isnt not really a 'red flag story', it's their fault for believing it? Ok.

    Anyways this was weird and I ended up just talking in circles with you. Lets agree to disagree but also you are so wrong on all accounts reading your takes was a terrible and confusing experience so please never respond to me again because Im definitely not continuing this braindead conversation godspeed

    Lbr June 7, 2024 6:45 am

    Whew. People get reeeeaaaaal defensive about their toxicity loves, bruh.