after this vinter reveals himself as a wizard helps with cure. penny wakes up in palace cuz kalli is like i dont trust ur fam, u literally got poisoned. the whole mansions tense cuz pinky bro n duke r concerned but brainwashed derrick gets really protective over yvvone. on makes a fuss saying shes their real younger sister without a shred of co ncern for penny.
cuz. poth derrick n pink emotionally are fixated on losing her at festival day. i forgot some in-between but theres also yvvone planning on attacking with lelilas even attack dukes mansion. which penny protects. they go through a expedition thing trying to fininsh off leila on this moff grid island thing and penny spills everything to kalli as transmigrator. (i think they fucked around this time) they talk it out kinda like you chose to stay in this world for me. kinda thing.
side stories -
penny never i think is like i dont wanna marry you legally but the world knows of our relationship
theres a big fight between leilas rmnants where
vinter is stuck on the mirror shard bound by his heart and soul to the glass of time.
penny warns the duke dure brainwashed period as a hint to look in the teacup to see if yvvone has a reflection, dark wizard, or entities dont have reflection. duke listens to her and finds that yvvone reflection isnt in the teacup n the brainwashings slowly come undone. by this pennys half moved into the palace n what not.
her n kalli go back n forth cuz kalli will be crowned as the emperor and penny will be the empress.
but penny whose helped by the archeology lady (forgot the name) wants to travel around to do field work and archeology research. during said research one day they go to a village. where the tradition goes the pregnant women eat this specific leaves which are extremely bitter normally but if you are pregnant they taste hella sweet.
after several days of not being able to stomach food and vomiting, penny decides to sneakily ask the village wise woman, i think she tells penny to find the mandrake leafs if i am not wrong from the tradition, which grow near a cliff. penny goes to find them i think hella early in the am, and turns out theres too much mana or miasma something explosion which they were researching. due to increase in monsters. penny couldnt proprrly use her magic and has a encounter with monsters i think. so euclis who lost his memories (i forgot how) keeps shadowing penny to protect her, helps her. penny suddenly gets scared if he wanted her to be his master again.
he also threathens penny with a knife at her throat asking how she knows him. they have a backforth and he backs off after saving her for the the last time n dissappear. in between as fight gets worse kallisto appears. theres also a closing arc scene where leila basically holds wizard kids hostage and penny too thru brainwashed euclis, and queens side, before kalli got crowned and they basically find the og royal ancestor a golden dragon. that is laying asleep in palace hidden basement and penny unlocks the power to fight with leila kalli lands more or less final blow and gains the right to the throne not before passing out from the force of the power tho.
so after few years they have a daughter who dreams of penny leaving , where pennys soul goes back to the room where her OG body is and sees how her OG brothers and dad sittung across from her body with OG cancer on life support. they dont initially recognize her soul. and question who she is why she got there while penny is half way removing her OG body life support. she just tells them they dont deserve her.
OG fam who now recognize, her apoligize saying they were sorry and beg her no the take off the life support, penny takes it off anyways killing off her OG body, flatlining it and goes back to other world to her daughter and kallisto
lets not forget the pregnancy chasing arc, where penny is on archeology excursions as a researchers and finds out shes pregnant with kallisto's kid