Exactly dude. People are actually calling him a 'green flag's, just because he's madly in love with the mc haha. What? And they have no sympathy for what Taesin went through- Also, they said he's not 'poor' but just 'delusional' haha( gangrape and lost in the forest- not even including the suicide) just because he was annoying and delusional?? I mean if a person is annoying and delusional, would you guys be like ohhh it's doesn't matter if he got raped and died on his own he was an effing eyesore Mann.?WTF. Annnd that so called ML, he knew all this and could prevent but he stood there and facilitated it. He aided and abetted this crime for his revenge. I understand he wants revenge but after knowing his ways, I can never like or even stand him haha.

I’ve only ever seen one person call the ML a green flag and everyone else who knows the spoilers or read the novel themselves- all acknowledge he’s a red flag. So idk what you mean by “people.” You also seem to forget that a lot of the people not having sympathy for taeshin, aren’t reading the novel or DONT want to read the spoilers. So as of now- they don’t know the details of what happened to him. They’re going based off of what has only been shown in the manhwa rn. And so far the only thing shown of taeshin in the manhwa was him being a fool in love. It can be true that in the beginning he was delusional when it came to his love for the ML- but everything else was poor. That’s it for now.

I'll correct myself and say 'some people ' okay? I didn't realise someone would scrutinize my comment word by word. I obviously said this in agreement to the above comment and am not creating a topic out of this and calling each person out. It's actually a relief if most people are thinking in the way you mentioned and I missed it. Anyway I actually replied to that 'green flag' comment which obviously had all the spoilers mentioned and tried to reason about how Taesin didn't deserve those things and over there ---- there were people who said ohh he's just delusional and not really worth it, so that's what I was saying. So, even after reading those spoilers there were still people who reacted like that and it was kind of really shocking and hence I might have gone ahead of myself and generalized it more than I meant to, while replying to someone who had a similar take. I don't mean any offence

Also, I don't know if you remember but we have interacted in a few other manhwa sections. The ones which include the mc cheating or being manipulative etc and a puppy ml being mistreated and I have to say I always appreciate your take and agree as you call the wrongs out. Nowadays there's unfortunately a lot of people who give mc the privilege of being the mc. Of course there's still people who regardless of whether it's the mc or ml, will call them out. So it's refreshing and nice to see that. I just had to say this.
How can people like shit like this , after reading the spoilers my stomach got twisted with disgust and wth with people calling ml a green flag, he is a walking red forest.Poor Taesin even if he was delulu he didn't deserve it wish someone would have done the same with ml and let him know if he reaally liked it ヽ(`Д´)ノ. Cant read it dropping it now