I was right. The pos does remember. I never expected a story this great to have such a big...

... June 2, 2024 8:44 pm

I was right. The pos does remember.
I never expected a story this great to have such a big plot hole though. Laurence is a tyrant no doubt because he is a sadistic little shit. He but doesn’t have the brains to plan all this. If he did he wouldn’t be needing Tia in their last life to put him on a throne the emperor bad already intended for him. That’s even why he falsely accused and imprisoned her because he was he afraid of her smarts. Even now his o session is still the same so why is he so smart all of a sudden.

    Lulu June 4, 2024 9:12 pm

    I don't think that he became smarter. If I understood correctly he is using Tia's plans from the past life. He isn't coming up with his own plans.

    ... June 4, 2024 9:24 pm
    I don't think that he became smarter. If I understood correctly he is using Tia's plans from the past life. He isn't coming up with his own plans. Lulu

    One would need brains to execute Tia’s plan even if they don’t come up with it themselves. You know meticulous she is.

    rotten June 5, 2024 6:24 am

    I think the issue here is the assumption that Lawrence is dumb which he is not actually. The story has always portrayed Lawrence to be extremely arrogant, having an inferiority complex over his illegitimacy, being shortsighted about his goals and extremely cruel, it was his other flaws that messed up any of his planning abilities and not being dumb. Just because he isn't a genius like Tia doesn't mean that he is a dumbass just like how Cedric himself is also pretty capable even though again he isn't as smart or sly as Tia. That's one of the factor that makes it good, the antagonist doesn't have to be dumb for the protagonist to be smart. Also agreed with what Lulu said, he is deliberately copying Tia's plans from her last life.

    ... June 5, 2024 2:21 pm
    I think the issue here is the assumption that Lawrence is dumb which he is not actually. The story has always portrayed Lawrence to be extremely arrogant, having an inferiority complex over his illegitimacy, be... rotten

    Lawrence may not be dumb but he is incompetent though. His sadistic tendencies, arrogance and inferiority complex aside he needed Tia to scheme, plan and execute. Otherwise Tia would be only the advisor. He wouldn’t put so much power in her hands if it was something he could pull off himself.
    And it’s precisely because of his arrogance and inferiority complex that he shouldn’t have been able to love people the way Tia did. He has more psychopathies tendencies than sociopathic.

    ... June 6, 2024 9:45 pm
    Lawrence may not be dumb but he is incompetent though. His sadistic tendencies, arrogance and inferiority complex aside he needed Tia to scheme, plan and execute. Otherwise Tia would be only the advisor. He wou... ...

    Move** people like Tia did.

    lili June 9, 2024 12:34 pm

    it's giving Sakura from Naruto. Lawrence isn't stupid Lia is just sm better. plus he also has past memories/knowledge. he also has like all the time in the world bc he's a loser.

    LocaMica June 12, 2024 1:02 pm
    I don't think that he became smarter. If I understood correctly he is using Tia's plans from the past life. He isn't coming up with his own plans. Lulu

    From what I remembered in the novel, Lawrence remembered his past life just in between the events of Tia's child birth and Cedric being made crown prince. And yes, he is just a character in this story that just pop in and out of nowhere and not really a villain per se (the emperor is more of the villain vs Lawrence). Lawrence is that kind of character that being stringed along to all the forces of the plot. In my opinion, we really don't know the depth of his madness even from his point of view. But one could say he really did loved lysia but his love is the one that is controlling and toxic, basically all his intimate relationships are, as one scene when Marailla ( his and Tia's mom) was detained for witchcraft and with Tia in the past.

    Odinh June 13, 2024 8:46 pm

    Lawrence was never dumb, just his ego etc got in the way. Also Tia was better at the job, so why work hard? He’s also using tias plans from previous TL so really he’s just copying plans. And yeah he’s totally able to copy and paste. He’s only focused on lysia and owning her, while also ruining her. He’s not like Tia who is doing 100 things at once. He’s got one focus only and is capable of that

    ... June 13, 2024 9:56 pm

    Perhaps. But the fact is he isn’t in the same position he was in the last TL. He doesn’t have the same authority or means at his disposal to pull things off like this. And yes now we know he isn’t after the throne but is only after Lysia. But he had enough people to burn down several villages, corner Cedric’s knights and control the bandits in the area not to mention setting fires in the capital warehouses. How did he manage to do all this? There was no such plan executed by Tia here in the last TL because at that time Lysia didn’t need to get kidnapped by him nor was there a need to set fires. It just doesn’t fit the story. Feels very forced. Especially since the story is all about putting Cedric on the throne which Lawrence no longer seem interested in.

    Odinh July 2, 2024 9:02 pm
    Perhaps. But the fact is he isn’t in the same position he was in the last TL. He doesn’t have the same authority or means at his disposal to pull things off like this. And yes now we know he isn’t after t... ...

    It’s just a chance for Lawrence to be pure chaotic evil since in this TL, he has barely shown his face. I almost forgot about him tbh LOL

    I also think he regained memories a lot later than everyone else right?

    I’m just saying that I’m sure he was capable in the past in some form. His mum was master manipulator and sister was a mastermind, he surely learnt something.

    ... July 2, 2024 10:09 pm
    It’s just a chance for Lawrence to be pure chaotic evil since in this TL, he has barely shown his face. I almost forgot about him tbh LOLI also think he regained memories a lot later than everyone else right?... Odinh

    But he’s not supposed to have the resources to pull off all this chaos is what I am saying even if he had the smarts. Which I still really do doubt he has. Just doesn’t follow the flow of this story. I just think they’re milking the cow at this point just to get another 30 or so chapters which is honestly ruining the story for me.

    Odinh July 3, 2024 7:54 pm
    But he’s not supposed to have the resources to pull off all this chaos is what I am saying even if he had the smarts. Which I still really do doubt he has. Just doesn’t follow the flow of this story. I just... ...

    I thought he still had a few nobles backing him, but they’re just a minority? Like he used to have the king and a whole bunch of nobles behind him. Then him and his mother practically got the boot, but there still lingered a few nobles who are invested in him.

    Anyway you might be right. As I said, Lawrence was sort of shoved in the back of my mind and I haven’t read about him in ages lol

    ... July 3, 2024 9:30 pm
    I thought he still had a few nobles backing him, but they’re just a minority? Like he used to have the king and a whole bunch of nobles behind him. Then him and his mother practically got the boot, but there ... Odinh

    As far as I know there is only one important guy following him and that too because Lawrence convinced him that Cedric will carry out a purge. That blond/green haired guy. He was one of the emperor’s investigators but he isn’t the most important one. I think he was numbered 4 out of 5 or 6.

    Yea he really shoved to the back of the story. Which is why I think bringing him out now is just milking the cow. The position and power he accumulated was thanks to Tia. He was never the biggest threat. It was always the emperor so he doesn’t deserve a spot of the final arc AFTER the emperor is over and done with. The guy has his legs in the grave already.

    Odinh July 4, 2024 7:47 pm
    As far as I know there is only one important guy following him and that too because Lawrence convinced him that Cedric will carry out a purge. That blond/green haired guy. He was one of the emperor’s investi... ...

    Yeah but I guess he needs a conclusive ending.

    I can’t imagine Lawrence sitting quietly and accepting Cedric on the throne and no lysia by his side. He was always a power hungry egomaniac, so he had to flare up at some point unless he’s thrown in jail or executed.

    I was honestly surprised how quiet he got after his dad kicked him out lol

    So maybe this is just him leading to that but with random over the top drama haha

    ... July 4, 2024 9:48 pm
    Yeah but I guess he needs a conclusive ending. I can’t imagine Lawrence sitting quietly and accepting Cedric on the throne and no lysia by his side. He was always a power hungry egomaniac, so he had to flare ... Odinh

    Honestly I think Tia should have staged an accident when he was exiled. And how on earth did Tia not know he had moved away from his place of exile. She may have dismantled her information guild but she still has eyes and ears everywhere and there no way such a meticulous person would leave someone like Lawrence alone. You are right about him exploding. But as I keep mentioning he should be doing that as a one man show maybe a handful more supporters not with a whole damn army spread through out the empire. Where did he even get the weapons? These are all disconnections from the story just to make Lawrence the ultimate threat which is giving him more credit that he is due. And I am seriously miffed about it. This needless stretching like a chewing gum has ruined the story.

    Odinh July 6, 2024 12:03 pm
    Honestly I think Tia should have staged an accident when he was exiled. And how on earth did Tia not know he had moved away from his place of exile. She may have dismantled her information guild but she still h... ...

    Yeah Tia did randomly drop the ball. Lawrence was probably just forgotten lol

    ... July 6, 2024 9:00 pm
    Yeah Tia did randomly drop the ball. Lawrence was probably just forgotten lol Odinh

    Yea. Still makes me mad and sad. This was an epic story.