let them be happy together. even though that won't happen;;;

Asao June 2, 2024 7:17 pm

did bro really ruin his own life because of his inferiority complex??? (i'm saying it like it never happened irl, damn)

    Blabla June 2, 2024 8:13 pm

    Sadly not only his own life but that of the other too

    Asao June 2, 2024 8:20 pm
    Sadly not only his own life but that of the other too Blabla


    plus it really hurt jin.

    aya~_~ my poor sons.

    Ichigo4444 June 3, 2024 3:07 am

    Wasn't even his inferiority complex by that point just general insecurities. The situation would've solved itself if Jin just fucked him instead of trying to set him off but I'm pretty sure Jin thinks Charin hates him and really was planning to kill himself, Jin notoriously bad at understanding emotions.

    Asao June 3, 2024 8:58 am
    Wasn't even his inferiority complex by that point just general insecurities. The situation would've solved itself if Jin just fucked him instead of trying to set him off but I'm pretty sure Jin thinks Charin ha... Ichigo4444

    Yeah, Jin got too scared as well, and huh, understandable given the fact that he can't read between the lines as you said and that charin keeps hating on him
    but i don't think him "forcing" charin into a relationship would have helped that much

    I mean the best scenario would have been to corner him and set the mood, but do nothing, multiple times, until charin UNDERSTOOD THAT THINGS WERE OKAY and then make a move, idk i think i'm writting happier fanfictions in my head right now to cope;;;