I get the sentiment of not wanting to be alone and some may attribute/confuse lust & love (esp when you're clearly isolated/never experienced them before) but the WAY she assumed that her maid left her without trynna find her and ask yk?
Like I get that in the moment you are scared but jumping into the sheets imo is CRAZY - like miss girl didn't even give it 24hrs (I get some people use sex as a forget my pain but she was CHASING Anna so to drop her like that is justified but understandable why people like wtf). When Anna did come back she was like "oh oopsies I guess this is a thing now" & didn't even say "oh why did you come back the Duchess said you leaving me forever" like girlie what.
Naivety is certainly real but this some next level bs. I agree that since Anna rejected her advances no one should be like "what a cheat" but I truly believe that the way she approached the matter was like???
Ofc the duchess was manipulating her - if you can't see that then maybe you should be scanning your own relationships - so it is understandable that she would possibly choose her but ONCE AGAIN - this woman has been hiding letters addressed to you are you not one bit concerned about that (ik denial is a river in Egypt but girl you barely know her & technically are collateral??)?
And it WASN'T like Anna genuinely doesn't care about her (bc once again about the lying that she left for good - she still returned) and despite her advances it's not like she didn't display dislike towards her bc she continued to take care of her so its like ??? again.

You say she didn’t give 24hrs ? Do you know when she had already confess her love to Anna ? I mean , do you know since she has been waiting for Anna to respond to her love ? What we are reading is not only base on their present, we already got chapters with some of their past , and we saw were Lily confessed to Anna long ago . So my dear , this isn’t about « 24 hrs » as you say. From what the Duchess did by hiding the letters for Lily not to see , and tho that truth came out , it might be logic for you that Lily should hate the duchess and insane that she actually doesn’t ; but what you should know is , even for the sake of Love , there are some crimes we are ready to commit to keep our lovers by our side and that’s what the Duchess did and Lily perfectly understood that . This is simply why Lily can’t hate the Duchess after this , bcz behind those manipulative actions , there was the struggle of wanting Lily to stay with her and that’s what Lily needs , someone who can take moves and actions, it might not be proper but don’t forget those women are mentally ill and feel empty.
We don’t deny that Anna loves her but Anna is not optimize like Duchess and that’s where , she loses. It’s just a simple fact , a relationship is not only about Love but also what you can do for that love . You can’t just sit on your ass and pretend you love someone but you give a call to tell that person you love her , how do you expect them to focus on you and push away other admirers ?

The 24 hour mark was in reference to after the Duchess told her Anna left "for good" and she didn't even consider looking for her/thinking about why before jumping into the sheets not waiting for her love - that is another issue.
Once again - read my comment in brackets I put that denial is a river in Egypt referencing the fact that people will deny truths because they make excuses for the personin order to cling onto them. However, if one it to beleive the Duchess actually loves lily would be lowkey like - on what grounds??? Nothing other than lust and crime has been displayed and as an intro to the Duchess it is learned that she fools around with many women so until actual care is displayed & not just possessiveness it is bold to assume on either end.
The Duchess is not optimizing on "love" but rather vulnerability. That's where MC loses. While I agree love it a two way street, to cut someone off EVEN if they don't love you romantically, but as a friend (which in this case is NOT true - but was DISPLAYED that Anna AT LEAST cares about Lily even AFTER seeing her with the Duchess) then that's fucked up. You gotta understand what I'm saying because atp it feels like you aren't so here's a breakdown:
- Anna "left" to deliver a letter
- Duchess told Lily that Anna is gone forever
- Lily cries & then they (lily + duchess) go thwoping in the sheets
- Anna returns & sees this but CONTINUES to provide care for lily with obvious signs of withdrawl from her
- Lily doesn't even really address the fact that the Duchess told her that Anna was going to leave her forever to EITHER Anna OR the Duchess (likegirl what)
- Anna still provides care + is protective (in Lily's pov this could be seen as a friend way)
- Lily tells her to leave for home by herself (once again disregarding the connection they DO have even if it ISN'T romance)
- It is understandable to not want to be around someone who has rejected your advances but even THAT possibility is slim BECAUSE of the devastation and the fact that Lily DOES show that she wants to be around Anna AS WELL (as the Duchess)
Drilling the points in - I don't believe that what Lily did (having sex) was WRONG but the way it happened raises questions & questionable behaviour (ie. did she actually like Anna in the first place)
Reading comments and realizing how, many of you read this comic without understanding anything about the plot. Throwing shades on Lily without any logic is just stupid from some of you .
Y’all should firstly understand that those 3 women are mentally unstable due to their past experiences in childhood , they all grew alone without knowing what’s love and each of them faced difference circumstances that made them feel lonely and created some kind of phobia.
Lily has totally done nothing wrong here for now , she never said she hates Anna nor cheated on her because Anna has been rejecting her advances since they are young . We saw in flashbacks that Lily confessed her love to Anna , so this girl knows perfectly that Lily loves her , but she is the only one hesitant to respond to her love, due to her trauma which I perfectly understand as well.
I can understand the decision of Lily now to stay with the duchess, no one has to blame her. She is looking for someone who can love and wants her , there is no crime in that , she kinda asked out Anna but Anna pushed her away but the Duchesse is responding to her expectations, so despite the feelings she has for Anna, it’s pretty normal she decides to choose the Duchess now. We should all agree that the Duchess played smart to get Lily , even if she was manipulative. So, at end we shouldn’t be surprise about Lily’s choice . All I can say is, Anna was sleeping and it’s waking up a lil too late .