
Aloha June 2, 2024 4:03 pm

This is so disheartening what Mangago has turned out to be. By sharing information I am blocked and called a bot because it differed from their views.

    JK x Dan June 2, 2024 5:02 pm

    Dammit fool! You ARE a bot. You're just too delusional to see the extent of your delusion. And that's rather sad.

    Aloha June 2, 2024 5:12 pm

    I'm sorry they feel that way. However, resorting to insults and name-calling doesn't contribute to a productive conversation. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, and it's important to respect that diversity, even if we disagree. Let's strive for more respectful dialogue in the future

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 6:10 pm

    Unfortunately, some people engage in such harmful behavior, but the best course of action is to block them and continue enjoying what you love.
    Don't let a few negative individuals spoil your enjoyment of the platform.

    Keep commenting and sharing your thoughts – that's what matters!

    Aloha June 2, 2024 9:14 pm

    There are 4 [I love morning Diamonds aka me] profiles and that is 4 different people.
    There are two [Safety Sentinel] and that is two different people.
    There are two [Aloha] and that is two different people.

    A cyberstalker is impersonating [I love Morning Diamonds aka me], [Safety Sentiel], and [Aloha]. While there are more targets and accounts impersonating others. In this that is 6 people total while there are 8 profiles.
    The cyberstalkers are spreading false information or rumors to tarnish the real one's reputation. If it is malicious or off the wall it is most likely a cyberstalker. If it is explaining and trying to have a real conversation it is the real ones or the one defending the real one.

    Safety Sentinel profiles.

    Safety Sentinel was Safety Advocate and ze changed their name to Safety Sentinel the cyberstalker copied them as they copied Safety Advocate.

    Cyberstalker impersonating Safety Sentinel,
    Join on February 22, 2024 focused on spreading false information or rumors to tarnish Safety Sentinel, TM, and Morning Diamonds rep.
    They made the first comment to harm their targets pretending to be them.
    The real Safety Sentinel
    March 5, 2024 advocating for awareness of cyberstalking and online harassment.

    The morning diamonds.

    1. The real one and the real one has not responded for about 3 weeks now.
    Join on:
    October 7, 2023

    2. The one defending the real one. Join on: February 17, 2024

    3. A cyberstalker Join on: February 21, 2024 This cyberstalker has many accounts impersonating their targets.

    4. Another cyberstalker February 10, 2024


    Mine: Join on: February 17, 2024

    The cyberstalker: Join on: February 22, 2024

    8 accounts. 6 people. There are more accounts.

    I'M ONLY HUMAN June 2, 2024 10:01 pm
    There are 4 [I love morning Diamonds aka me] profiles and that is 4 different people.There are two [Safety Sentinel] and that is two different people.There are two [Aloha] and that is two different people.A cyb... Aloha

    Yes fool. We know about all your alt accounts AND WE ALSO KNOW that you are the evil clown controlling all of them. Must suck to keep up with all the juggling act of dozens of alt accounts while holding down a full time job. Or wait, perhaps you don't have a full time job like the rest of us? Wouldn't surprise me with all the time you clearly have in your hands. For chrissakes, go get a real job. OK?

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 10:08 pm

    It's disheartening to see such baseless accusations and personal attacks. I can assure you that we not controlling all those alt accounts, nor do we have any malicious intentions. Let's try to maintain a respectful tone and focus on constructive discussion rather than resorting to unfounded accusations and insults