I really can't...

Nizze June 2, 2024 2:48 am

Why does this feel so cringey? Something on it gives me the jeebies inside when I read it... yeah this is rant and complains so don't read if you're going to complain about me complaining.

Maybe is MC having a japanese name and more westerny surname and everyone else have westerny names and the setting is also westerny fantasy... and his name and the "san" doesn't quite fit... or the way some mob is picking a fight after he just won 1st place in his year... or how his male best friend turned villain and his new best friend is a girl who's way too "caring"... or how he seems (mentally) more like a teenager than a grown adult that went back in time... or how author seems to understand little of the western fantasy genre... or how he had the brillant idea that being 1st place in that competition was somehow more viable than just... going through administration and making an appointment with the principal like any normal student would do... or how he didn't talk with him even after meeting him before winning... or how they exagerate the "genius that fell from grace" troupe... how nothing was mentioned about the cheating on the competition...

Plotwise it's also... bland. It's another regressor comic.. with the added elements of: misunderstood genius, lone wolf that can't trust just anyone, hated out of jealousy and basically the classic girls want me and guys hate me because they can't be me. Mc's behavior, personality and decisions make him seem more like a delusional teen than an adult in the body of a teen. And I also don't get why he can't use both close combat and long distance magic since he did use close combat magic by the end on his 1st life. It also makes no sense magic focused on day to day life to be underdeveloped like that. There's no way close combat magic would be overlooked like that... it could be taught of a swordsmanship academy instead since it involves a lot of physical training and magic swordsmanship would probably fall under it too. I won't even mention how bad the noble/commoner aspect is. It really just feels lacking.

And lastly the art... personally, i don't like it. Maybe it's cuz I dropped TBATE long ago but if people didn't mention it's same artist... I'd think it's a new artist. Hate me all you want but the art feels amateurish. There's a lack of detailing in the art, the backgrounds feel neglected or done haphazardly and the coloring and shadowing feels lacking considering it's a webcomic. And it's not a matter of style, it's really lack of quality. The best way I can describe it is... it looks more like a high quality colored storyboard for a anime than a webcomic. Remember that bebe about 7 deadly sins where they said they used all animation budget on an eye scene? That's how I feel, just there's no eye. The eye is the other thousand webcomics available on this site.

Yeah there are worse ones out there... but there's a whopping more better ones... and I won't read this instead of those...

    Nettle June 2, 2024 9:51 pm

    I totally get it, esp that bit abt the names. They’re so cringe. But the art one isn’t really as fair I think bcos TBATE was super popular so they could definitely afford to have assistant artists doing the polishing whereas this one is new and doesn’t seem like it’s gonna take off so it’s probably JUST Fuyuki23 on it. The art quality of s5 of TBATE was really nice but it also started its seasons pff with about this level on the art hence ny theory. Tbh I might just be in denial bcos I like Fuyuki23’s art style and it’s the only thing keeping me reading seeing as I also hated all the things you mentioned about the story

    Nizze June 3, 2024 4:30 am
    I totally get it, esp that bit abt the names. They’re so cringe. But the art one isn’t really as fair I think bcos TBATE was super popular so they could definitely afford to have assistant artists doing the... Nettle

    It is a good theory. I stoped reading that one around ch75 and don't even remember is artist had changed by that point or not. I totally get trying to like a comic because you like the art/artist. Maybe I'm the one that got too used to the other webcomics drawing style and this style feels not bad but like there's something off about it?

    Honestly I think part of the reason it was so popular is because the number of webcomics was relatively low compared with today so we'd eat anything full color and there was even fewer western fantasy webcomics, asides the Rofan genre. Besides the plot of TBATE was very novel at the time compared to this one and the its plot.
    Idk... I wish you good look but I'll leave here...

    Cultured July 14, 2024 6:15 pm

    I agree homie

    Hanakosimp September 21, 2024 9:18 pm

    I agree just the way there's literally no struggle for anything he has to do and gets it instantly the mc is comically op and the plot is so basic but personally I don't think the art is too bad the fight scenes are pretty good and I've seen much worse in overall.

    Nizze September 22, 2024 3:27 am
    I agree just the way there's literally no struggle for anything he has to do and gets it instantly the mc is comically op and the plot is so basic but personally I don't think the art is too bad the fight scene... Hanakosimp

    I think I just really have beef with Japanese trying to do webcomic. It really gets stuck between mangá and anime... honestly there are some mangá that are made to read longstrip that comes from renta iirc. But they still go black and white like traditional mangá and it feels better. Honestly even trying to re-read tbate I was like... wait was it always that bad? I always feel like theres some sort of slightly mismatch between the coloring and the lineart in Japanese webcomic. And somehow reading japanese names and the suffixes they use on it feel weird? Like... as if I'm watching dc and marvel movies with jp audio and hearing them call idk... Piteru Parukeru-kun (peter parker) or Superuman-san or the animations but with that characteristic anime audio? It just... doesn't feel right...