omg, that's what I was so weirded out by?? his vibe and whole personality seem off to me ya'know, with someone with so many achievements and as a artist in music, he doesn't seem that out of the box. Like, he just died and wanted to make more music or continue it at first. but the only thing I saw was him being like a normie. his reaction to the future is very dull, while it isn't by very long years, things change by a lot but he didn't react to much of it as I felt like. Mc of 'Beethoven Reborn' dealt with it better, while the Mc is from centuries ago, and is still a in the child stage learning, his reactions felt real. I don't think the author should copy it or anything, maybe have the MC export the world and learn about it more.
While it did show some of his exploring, it's all online. we don't find about the OG owner other then he's a gamer, has a friend, has parents, and has a crush. his major isn't mention much and his family isn't too. the most thing that stands out was his drunk acts that keeps getting mentioned. ALSO, Mc keeps taking about others talent and what ever, I felt like he should deal with his whole situation. like, what is his goal, future path? I don't even think he research about the jobs that is available, cuz he didn't even know about the guitar cost. what if the join he wants is totally different now? times changed and he doesn't act like it did. (im just ranting at this cuz im annoyed by it)
if he was confident I would have liked it more, like 'A Tidal Wave of Glory' the MC's personility stands out by many (why the way he dealt with Og owner relationship is harsh) it at least gives off the vibe that he's a genius.
I do like reading this, it's interesting and all, but I want it to focus on the Main character at the start at least. AT least, Because, being dragged into other things like other characters issue when you just started reading and knowing the main character sucks. like I want my focus pls. (╥﹏╥) the whole point of this kind of genre is to focus on the MC changed from the situation he got into but, like, how is joining the club OG owner said to join help with the situation? it just makes that girl think you are a big simp. while in the manga that girl reaction to it is good, but like, imagine if your in her place
a guy you don't even know confessed to you drunk, talking about having the same hobbies but is obviously lying, and said would join the club you are in when rejected him. Then the next day, he went to the club, while you did believe he would keep his word(which is questionable since he's drunk at that time, girl what are you thinking???), its still felt weird ok, as a girl my self. then shows off his talent that he's good at it and join the club, which is very suspicious.
Why the MC do that when he remembers how OG owner show off his fake knowledge about guitars, show he's good at it right away just to join a school club? Also has a close friend who like is 'knows he can't play guitar', can't he like, find another way??? he. someone who succeeds in life and is a famous person, made that kind of newbie dumb mistake???? and on his first day too??? with all due respect, any person with a brain would think twice before like doing all that.
While it can be embarrassing if he didn't keep his word and go to the club, HE said it when HE was DRUNK. who would even believe that if it isn't for the plot that is setting up romance between those two. f*cking- can't she like like him for who he is in the future or something???? romance is good when it doesn't get in the way of the character. #-.-)

you said all the stuff i wanted to say gurl, i agreee, i wanted to go rant but got too lazy and thought, why bother lol
and i was kind of disappointed cus im interested in the concept of this story but then you came and actually mentioned some titles that im now gonna check out,
but yeah now that you pointed out the woman's pov and the OG body's part of the story it really is that bad, now i don't have that kind of lingering feeling of regret that i might be missing out on some good reading cus im overreacting(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

it was explained that he still has the new memory as the new guy, so his memory got combined. so he isn't surprised by the tech here neither he need to feel very awkward.
it's like one day, you suddenly remember that you have a skill and a dream and that make you lost motivation of doing your current hobbies that has nothing to do with your dream.
it's like one day you remembered that you're actually a better person and you no longer can do the cringe stuff you do in the middle school.

Yea, it can explain why his reaction to things are dull, but that doesn’t explain his everything.. like the original owner had basically no interest in music other then showing off. So Mc himself should at least go out of his way to learn about the current music industry then just go online to listen to some songs.
It was obvious he didn’t go online or learn because he didn’t know what songs people listen to in this era.
And all those memories he review, it’s like watching a video with no pause button. He won’t be used to it so quickly. He remembers everything in first day of transgression. It’s possible so I don’t think it’s anything too off, but what bugs me so what he chose to do on the first day of remembering.
Joining a school club that you have basically no knowledge of??? Like Mc just went in and join. Don’t think the Original owners did any research at all or he wouldn’t have embarrassed himself in front of his crush..
Idk if i just fucking forgot his reactions or thoughts cus i read through that pretty fast but he just fucking got transformed into another person who is 30 years into the future, then after getting surprised i little bit, he acts like nothing happened, i always wonder what I'd do if I'm in the MC's shoes when i read, and when i judge it unrealistic, it makes me not wanna read it, cus i see it as plot holes? And tbh I'd assume someone who has that kind of achievements especially in music which is very creative and artistic, an eccentric, interesting, and unique personality, but for now MCs giving normie vides