SFX look okay??

N0NStop June 2, 2024 12:31 am

How’s the SFX in this chapter? I think this is much better than the previous chapter. After the font change. Is the lowercase for the inner thoughts okay? Or does it feel a bit off since everything else is capitalized? Thoughts?
Side rant: My brother came into my room to ask me what kinda boba tea I wanted, while I was adding some sfx and it had to be the scenes of Yesing and Raman making out naked in the bathtub…. And he almost knocked my laptop to the ground. I’m going to believe he didn’t see anything and was just being a klutzy like always, and not utterly shocked at my hobby. Worse of all my drink came without boba! I am the victim of the most heinous crime in society! I will seek vengeance for this wrongdoing. (I’m kidding they gave me two free drink coupons. Support small businesses!)

    Antithesis June 2, 2024 2:17 pm

    Very good, it doesn't take much space and I can focus on reading, my blindass thanks you

    eii June 2, 2024 4:59 pm

    Your brother will forget it.. yes... HE SHOULD FORGET IT

    mangalover June 2, 2024 7:39 pm

    I remembered that time when my brother also found out about me reading BLs. Good thing just let me carry on reading it hahahahaha