Sooo, is Jin's end game partner Tehir? I feel like they're expanding upon his relationship...

Bibi June 1, 2024 11:35 pm

Sooo, is Jin's end game partner Tehir? I feel like they're expanding upon his relationship with Charin a lot, and Charin is obviously obsessed with Jin but its looking more and more like Charin will end up with that green rapist guy, which is just insanely bad writing if true lol. Charin gonna end up settling for THAT when he could've had Jin.

    ope1965 June 2, 2024 1:04 am

    my opinion is that Charin ends up a demon. He's already hallucinating and he's mentally given up so I think they're hinting at it going in that direction. With how dramatic and tragic this story is? Jin'll come to rescue him just as he turns into a demon, won't be able to kill the demon (bc it's "captain"), one of the other classmates (prolly bomb-ball-boy) will do it for him but he'll have to watch. Then greenhair guy will go crazy bc he lost his 'woman' and probbly turn him into a doll or use his 'parts' to complete his 'ultiamte woman' (bc we won't even be given the satisfaction of having the Charin-demon kill greenhair I bet).
    but who knows. this story is actually unhinged so I may be totally wrong

    Gojoisbabe June 2, 2024 1:30 am

    I doubt he’ll end up with the green hair dude it’s either he dies or somehow ends up with jin

    Bibi June 2, 2024 2:13 am
    I doubt he’ll end up with the green hair dude it’s either he dies or somehow ends up with jin Gojoisbabe

    Maybe so, but then why the subplot about green dude falling for him? Just to give him a motivation to save Charin instead of letting him turn into a demon or whatever?