I don't have a problem with Cyril believing his nobility histories

laikhatakowowowowowow June 1, 2024 11:34 pm

i have a problem that for someone who constantly claims he needs to act more humane to jahid while fucking him in his heat, he IMMEDIATELY kills a bunch of lives without any proper conversation, proper investigation into any of their findings, like bro came in, and just fucking kills everyone without even a trial? dyou know how weird that is? it's a complete 180° of his character earlier in the story.
i understood the concept of "yes this is what he's been thought his whole lives , that's why he doesn't believes in the new and seemingly hostile findings" BUT MAN who the fuck kills of people without even hearing them out. these are non noble researchers, HE LITERALLY DON'T EVEN KNOW THESE PEOPLE like what man

    Jujutsu Kaikyuu June 2, 2024 12:01 am

    Exactly, and also don’t let me get started with the history blah blah stuff other people said. How do they even expect people in this day and age to react to something like this? Like be open in this weirdness like some uncivilized 16th century human?

    Even if Cyric won’t believe something like this, a claim of this degree NEEDS A PROPER TRIAL AND INVESTIGATION. I can’t with people justifying the ML just because he is the ML, I wonder if the ones who got slaughtered are on the protagonists’ side and the ones who slaughtered them are the villains whatsoever, I’m sure they’re gonna have the opposite reaction.

    “He IS obviously not gonna take the words of researchers over the years of history” yeah yeah but he can’t be out there just slaughtering people. Also bringing up the history that they said to be manipulated BUT bro who does slaughtering people when they open up a topic about manipulated history? From the country where I am from, there are a lot of claims that happened already but not a single fucking people who claimed that died. They are HEARD bruh.

    Another thing about Cyric being a knight and just carrying out the imperial decree against people “conspiring” against their country, yes it is indeed treacherous but whether this act be deemed unjust or not should depend ON THE TRIAL that they didn’t even provide. The claim that there is the act of raping a dragon and imprisoning them to exploit is inhumane and if the investigation proved it to be true, it must be known.

    I know that these researchers are already planning to sell these information without a proper investigation with their country but the imperial order should be to temporarily imprison them while conducting a proper investigation but I guess these researchers knew well enough that if the nobles, royals, and aristocrats did this in the past with a freaking mighty dragon, they can do worse things to these researchers. And if they are not aware themselves of the truth yet, there would be no order of execution for these people.

    I know I might sound so serious about this when this is just a novel but I can’t stand the other comment being on the side of Cyric with with one. Just shows how people’s morality can waver lmao. Yes, you can be unserious with this kind of stuff since this is a novel and just go on with your life like nothing happened, like you’ve read nothing BUT justifying some act like these, even if it’s fiction just shows how some people are messed up without them even realizing, plain disgusting.

    Nickname June 2, 2024 12:04 am

    No FR bc it always pisses me tf OFFFF when authors create characters who are 1. Very rigid in their moral or religious beliefs and 2. Supposedly intelligent, because a character who is one or both of those things would absolutely NOT employ the ‘kill first, ask questions later’ tactic when presented with a potential situation on the field that directly goes against something they were led to believe.

    Like come on, have a modicum of curiosity or suspicion about the situation your country places you in, it’s human nature to - even if you will follow through with your task regardless of what you find out - at least ASK or wonder about why you’re doing what you are doing and especially what the people you’re beheading and disarming (I wanted to make a pun about the first guy, sue me) are saying in their literal dying breathes. Like forgive me and other reader’s human nature for assuming that a character (especially a religious main character) would likely care about what the victims are talking about before they deep dive permanently into NPC liminal space

    Lobo_Solitario17 June 2, 2024 12:24 am

    So true when he said they committed treason or something I thought it was like a secret society that was planning rebellions but nah it's just a bunch of ordinary researchers that found the empires dirty laundry. They definitely didn't need to be chopped up by this crazy guy