y'all needa calm de fuck down

Kodama June 1, 2024 9:19 pm

i don't understand why ppl on mangago are so upset all the damn time. u chronically online freak ass creatures keep policing everything on here. it's like y'all want every single manga/ manhwa to have the same exact pure cookie cutter story. it gets boring reading the same soft vanilla plot for every single yaoi. y'all needa stop taking this shit so damn seriously and acting like ur better than everyone else bc u only like stories where everything is happy go lucky. get off twitter. stop making cancel culture ur personality. grow up. ALSO WHY DO U FCUKERS CONTINUE TO READ THESE STORIES JUST TO LEAVE HATE COMMENTS EVERY CHAPTER??? y'all are so full of anger and hatred it's amazing. u guys just wanna leave hate to make other ppl feel bad about what they like. thats some insecure bullshit. please learn to love urself and stop projecting ur insecurities onto other ppl. simply let others enjoy things perhaps...?

    kawa_keeee June 1, 2024 9:26 pm

    People need to shut the fuck up like it aint for you, just leave. Quit complaining and go read your vanilla shit or wtv. People got nothing better to do but hate istg

    Enoshima June 1, 2024 10:00 pm

    Nah fr bruh they except that these gangs r like all soft and cutie pies, atleast its realistic

    Desmond June 5, 2024 6:29 am

    there's a different between liking bdsm and all you fucking retards in the comments glazing a disgusting glamorization of sexual violence.

    Kodama June 6, 2024 6:55 pm

    oh calm down. it's not glamorization, it's a story. stop taking everything so seriously. also can u try to be civilized? i can tell ur really angry but ur being very childish rn.

    Enoshima June 6, 2024 8:18 pm
    there's a different between liking bdsm and all you fucking retards in the comments glazing a disgusting glamorization of sexual violence. Desmond

    No one does…its a story with not real characters (aka drawings hope this helps)…why are u reading it? If u dont like it just leave just like i did, no ones forcing u to read hun

    Desmond June 7, 2024 9:21 am
    No one does…its a story with not real characters (aka drawings hope this helps)…why are u reading it? If u dont like it just leave just like i did, no ones forcing u to read hun Enoshima

    Just because they’re aren’t real people doesn’t mean anything. It’s still glamorizing and fetishing those ideals. “Don’t take everything so seriously!!” This is literally meant to be taken seriously it’s not a satirical piece ???

    Desmond June 7, 2024 9:23 am
    oh calm down. it's not glamorization, it's a story. stop taking everything so seriously. also can u try to be civilized? i can tell ur really angry but ur being very childish rn. Kodama

    I’m not being childish, im being real. Yea a story that romanticizes and festisizes it…

    Enoshima June 7, 2024 6:45 pm
    Just because they’re aren’t real people doesn’t mean anything. It’s still glamorizing and fetishing those ideals. “Don’t take everything so seriously!!” This is literally meant to be taken serious... Desmond

    Just dont get into these/this topic like omg…its never gonna disappear from the world even tho u keep crying…go out and face reality! Hope this helped im out

    Desmond June 7, 2024 10:01 pm
    Just dont get into these/this topic like omg…its never gonna disappear from the world even tho u keep crying…go out and face reality! Hope this helped im out Enoshima

    if this is reality to you then you need to go outside. bunch of chronically online bumbling idiots. i swear all you tards on this website dont have half a brain and the capability to rationally think