Love the story and an independent MC but...

Bunny June 1, 2024 10:13 am

I can kinda understand her decisions but the main character still infuriates me...
Like I get that she was obsessed with making sure ekles, her lifeline, likes her but she literally spend her entire money (that she could use to run away later or check other characters to make sure they don't fall off too much) just reading his score while still keeping a harsh line between them and wondering why it won't get to 100%. And then she tells the crown prince that she wants someone to love her AND whom she loves back. Which contradicts her behaviour imo she never even tried to love ekles. (Sure I wouldn't either had I thought everything to be predetermined by the game, but she starts to integrate more and more)
And now Yvonne: MC literally saw that miss real daughter is also miss trying to destroy the country and miss brainwash lady. I guess she doesn't really care for anyone in the world -not even her maid or herself, cause there's nothing more obvious than everyone's death or suffering once Yvonne gets to control all the powerful former MLs. Penelope knows that she's the only one who saw Yvonne's real self (maybe even suspecting something's a liiiiiittle bit off because of the corpse like body paired with the sucking out life thing) and she's like 'nah, why should I tell anybody else or make precautions, let's rather stay in bed'. I hope she at least asks the magician rabbit boi how to annul the shard-brainwash thing. I get that she wouldn't have any trust in the other MLs since Ekles betrayed her even though he had the highest rating, but that doesn't mean she can't use them. Bunny boy doesn't want miss-life-sucking-lady to triumph too after all. All Penelope needs to do is fucking warn and tell him. (She could also warn Mr handsome Crown prince in Case it's not his fav pasttime to be a puppet emperor and be controlled by miss corpse Ivonne)
But nah, ofc she prolly won't do that

Okay sorry had to unload quite a bit
I really like this series so I'm gonna keep reading and hope for a satisfying climax of the story
(If I had any misunderstandings please kindly correct me, else it will only haunt me more)

    Silent June 1, 2024 3:15 pm

    The reason she now says she wants to find someone to love, is because (in the novel) for the 99% to get to 100%, mc needs to share the love too (she needs to love them BACK). It cant be onesided. (Ekles doesnt love her, he is obsessed)

    I understand why a lot of people think she lacks love and care for the world and its people, but thats because she doesnt see them as real: she sees them as pixels, code and a simple game that will reset after she leaves.

    Also she doesnt know that Yvonne can manipulate people yet (I think, have to reared). And even if she has speculations they are too farfetched considering this is a romance game she is stuck inside (I wouldnt bealive that theory either if it was me).

    I dont think she is sure that she saw Yvonne that day in the magic ritual (only reason we know its her is because we can go back and check, and have all time in the world.).

    I agree that she could have stayed in that world in some hut and lived 'happily ever after", but thats not something that would make her happy, especially considering she thinks of the world as a game and code. She wants to return to her world, and thats why she get so desperate and does some things thag might seem bad or weird

    Correct me if am wrong, and sorry for the stupidly long explanation (=・ω・=)

    Bunny June 1, 2024 4:21 pm

    That actually makes a lot of sense, thank you!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶