Another day, another captivating manhwa. I must say I am truly impressed by Hayeon's deter...

rius June 1, 2024 10:10 am

Another day, another captivating manhwa. I must say I am truly impressed by Hayeon's determination and persistence. The thought of his parents transforming into monsters/creatures and the necessity to eliminate them, while their only wish for Hayeon was to keep living on, is truly heart-wrenching. It is evident how agonizing this must be for him, which is why he repeatedly urges Jihyuk not to perish, not to undergo the same transformation, right in front of him. Hayeon's fear of losing anyone, especially loved ones, and having to be the one to end their lives is palpable.

Similarly, with Woon, despite knowing the potential dangers and risks involved in launching the artificial sun, Hayeon is willing to lay down his life for the world and for the one he holds dear. From creating a cloud seeding technique to disperse the mist and formulating a vaccine to cure Woon and others infected, to Woon's readiness to put everything on the line for Hayeon, even if it meant sacrificing the world and its people, their devotion to each other is unwavering. Their ultimate desire is to ensure each other's survival, albeit through different means.

When Sujin mentioned, "If you like someone, you come up with every possible excuse to see that person one more time, regardless of how ridiculous those excuses are" it struck a chord with me. I can attest to the truth in that statement. I, too, have conjured up numerous unexpected and ludicrous reasons just to engage in conversation with that special someone, even if we hadn't met face-to-face. Love has a way of making us act foolishly in its pursuit.
