Romance can be possible.. This is from my point of view btw..
It's just that the authors are either single, have not experienced love or they just think that women are needed for action Manhwa. Considering how many action Manhwas there are with romance, I assume they must think ladies are a necessity at this point, for.. 'y'know purposes'.
Or the authors intended for someone to be beside the mc for his happy ending, rather than be alone at the end of the journey. Meh.. It's complicated for me to figure out why they use romance.
And yes, it's me~ Akuma~! ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ)
I had a long @ss essay written down but I accidentally refreshed the page and now it's gone I'll keep it short
Hi Akuma! I love your Female Lead Manhwa lists and thank you for the work you do
Romance is definitely possible!
and the Author's experience or inexperience can definitely affect their writing. But women in action? They definitely can! Women exist everywhere, they give life but they can also fight, protect and be in positions of power.
I like this one
What probably irks me the most in shounen romance is the "y'know purpose". I probably should've gotten used to it by now since I've been consuming shounen media since young but sometimes my "filter" doesn't work properly
Y'know the "filter" to filter out all the unwanted and unnecessary (in my opinion) fanservice? Cause to me, romance = fanservice vice versa. Basically softcore ecchi? imo idk. I'm definitely not the demographic that they were aiming for but nonetheless I enjoy the plot and journey of MC
In this manhwa though I'd like it if the princess isn't just being paired with MC just because she's the princess and it's nice seeing MC's little introspection on his emotions towards the princess. Love seeing that
How the authors use romance, I do not know as well but all I know is that I'm very fussy and I love putting my opinions on the internet
I may not be that coherent cause I'm so sleepy rn lolol byeee and thanks for reading this short essay. It's short cause I didn't need to cut this in half and post the other half again
Anyone have problems? Reply to me with expletives and I'll send one back after I wake up. But not before I finish reading the other stuff in the notifs and then I go back to sleep
thank you again for the uploads Akumaaaa
just mute this topic if people do keep replying with expletives
I'm on the fence right now. Seeing how most action shounen progressively degenerate whenever romance is added to the mix makes me have so much doubt whenever a romantic partner is introduced
The amount of works I have dropped cause the romance was so subpar and actually distracting from the action plot... Even if you say it's "romance-subplot", mint chocolate still has mint in it even if someone says its mostly chocolate. Tried finding a metaphor but this is the closest that I can think of instead of putting expletives of how I hate romance so much.
Like how many times did they even meet or talk to each other? I may have forgotten a bit since its been a while since I've read this but I think it's less than the number of my fingers in one hand? (I have a general number of fingers, none are missing and there's no extra either) (Yes, I could've just said 5 but I'm feeling a bit extra today and I would like to use more words I don't usually use in my everyday vocabulary) (I also could've just typed these sentences out without the parenthesis but I'm different from the other readers *debby ryan hair tucks* )
Don't hate the princess, I actually like her character. But as a romantic interest to MC? I don't really see it. Before anyone comes after me, these are all my opinions and biases. I don't mean anything rude to people who like them as a pair. I am simply just another reader with trauma brought by authors pressing the big red ROMANCE button whenever they want to add something "interesting" in their work. No, I don't write stories, nor do I want to. I am a reader and I can give my opinions. Yes, I am writing these because I've had my fair share of online drama and I don't want to write replies over and over again to fight one random person in the internet over a fictional character. (At least I don't want to right now. Maybe some other time when I feel like it I'll start another fight. Please entertain me then. I would love to exchange slurs and cuss words with you )
Will still continue reading. Though will put this below the priority list as I am not feeling that blushing doki doki panel.
I just love putting my opinions on the internet. Nobody probably even reads till the end of most of my long @ss topics lol
I love you AkumaKira. Most of the stuff I read here are being uploaded by them. Thank you so much I ADORE you!