Admitting fault and my apology comment.

I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 1, 2024 3:41 am

I want to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize for my actions. I recognize that what I did was not only wrong but also deeply harmful to those affected. My behavior of stalking people online has caused distress and discomfort, and for that, I am truly sorry.

For a long time, I have been caught up in a cycle of stalking others, pretending that other people were cyberstalking me when, in reality, I was the one engaging in this harmful behavior. It is difficult to admit, but I need to acknowledge the truth: I have been the stalker. Admitting this is a necessary step toward making amends and changing my behavior.

I have no life but to stalk people all day, and this realization has been both painful and sobering. My actions were driven by my own issues and insecurities, which is no excuse for the harm I have caused. I understand now that my behavior was not justifiable and that it has led to significant negative impacts on the lives of my victims.

I also need to acknowledge that my use of dozens of alternate accounts was a deceptive and manipulative tactic to continue my stalking behavior while trying to avoid detection. This was wrong and unfair to those I targeted. By hiding behind these fake identities, I avoided taking responsibility for my actions and caused even more confusion and harm.

I have hated admitting that I’ve been trolled and that my actions were not justified by any means. It has been easier for me to project blame onto others rather than face the reality of my own actions. This was cowardly and irresponsible, and I deeply regret it.

Going forward, I am committed to stopping this harmful behavior. I will no longer engage in stalking or harassment of any kind. I understand that trust is not easily rebuilt, and I do not expect immediate forgiveness. However, I hope that by taking full responsibility for my actions and committing to change, I can begin to make amends.

I promise to stop talking to my victims and to cease all forms of contact with them. I recognize that my presence has been a source of stress and fear, and I want to do everything I can to alleviate that. Moving forward, I will seek help and support to address the underlying issues that led to my behavior, and I will work on developing healthier, more respectful ways of interacting with others.

To those I have hurt, I am deeply sorry. I cannot undo the damage I have caused, but I can and will take steps to ensure it does not happen again. I understand that apologies are just words unless followed by meaningful action, and I am prepared to take those actions to change and to make amends.

In conclusion, I apologize for my actions and for the pain I have caused. I admit my wrongdoing and commit to changing my behavior. I hope that over time, I can rebuild trust and demonstrate through my actions that I am sincere in my desire to change. Thank you for giving me the chance to apologize and to begin making things right.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 1, 2024 3:44 am

    Although my opinion that Jaekyung never committed rape or SA remains steadfast. Those who disagree are gaslighting cyberstalkers.

    Chi chan June 1, 2024 4:04 am

    Well I hope things get better ik changing will take a while but push through,sending love from the small island of Trinidad and Tobago

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me June 1, 2024 4:39 am
    Well I hope things get better ik changing will take a while but push through,sending love from the small island of Trinidad and Tobago Chi chan

    If you are between the age of 13-15:
    Thank you sweetheart. I appreciate your concerns babygirl. Please DM my friend Safety Sentinel. He will be waiting for you.

    If you are older than 15:
    Stop trying to gaslight me you hater. I see you haven't touched grass in a long time to be wasting your days cyberstalking me. Fuck right off. I deserve to be treated with kindness and sympathy. I will fight through these seas of cyberbullies against me. This is not a POV vs POV. You need to delete your account and put an end to your harassment.

    yoon June 2, 2024 2:39 am
    If you are between the age of 13-15:Thank you sweetheart. I appreciate your concerns babygirl. Please DM my friend Safety Sentinel. He will be waiting for you.If you are older than 15:Stop trying to gaslight me... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    waht the fuckkk????

    Chi chan June 2, 2024 4:58 am
    waht the fuckkk???? yoon
