I think the father was hurting that he had to treat his son that way and make him resent h...

Decaaaakes June 1, 2024 3:16 am

I think the father was hurting that he had to treat his son that way and make him resent him to like toughen him up and ready him to survive in a fucked up world. It's toxic, it is. But exposing him to a beautiful and peaceful world will weaken most people's resolve because most of us didn't experience how to survive on a daily basis (And I meant literally not just surviving to make a living)

And unless you're a psychopath or someone who's adaptable to any situations you wouldn't be able to react fast just like most ppl who died in the story. Personally I think I would be one of the people who'd die early or even die while sleeping cuz I'm lazy asf and I don't understand why ppl wanna keep living if there's no internet and entertainment—just pure massacre and deaths.

    weeb.here June 23, 2024 6:01 pm

    Yeah I didn't feel that he was that bad
    And he didn't even abuse him in *the abusive way*
    All that fighting training was actually for mc's sake
    In ch3 the man didn't even think twice about sacrificing himself for his child
    I think that is how a parent is
    Rather than his own life he chose to toughen up his child so that he could survive