I'm like at chapter 5 but I'm gonna pause and rant

Hopepehehehehe May 31, 2024 8:38 pm

I get it, I get that it's a reincarnation transmigration story but like BUT LIKE she's physically a 3 year old and I JUST CANT, my brain hurts from all the needles for some reason hate she gets from some adults, and the contradictory ish actions of her family like, know I'm still only at ch5 and there's probably a reason why the dad made her stay in the annex but the way they're letting a supposed 3 year old carry a bag as big as her and walk is so unreal to me cause we might know she's an older soul BUT THE CHARACTERS DONT make it make sense not to mention the silver brother showing up all menacing but u mean to tell me he's actually worried for her? Its probably cause he never hated her but I think it's so ass to show that after he makes a scary face at her for almost drinking juice without permission Its like chapter one didn't happen or smth I know it's almost all just tropes at this point but it's especially obvious and evident here ah this is so frustrating
This is just my opinion tho maybe I'm taking it too seriously

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) June 16, 2024 11:59 am

    I mean she did reincarnate so she is in fact a child like it’s not like someone transmitted into her body either or treating kids like that is just terrible.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) June 16, 2024 12:01 pm

    Oops I meant treating kids like that is just terrible.

    Hopepehehehehe June 16, 2024 12:38 pm
    Oops I meant treating kids like that is just terrible. kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o)

    Yeah like what in the world gives them euphoria over bullying a 3 year old child that's like a toddler tbh

    Lambo June 21, 2024 11:53 am

    For this kinds of stories... It's better to throw out your brain when reading them... And just enjoy the art, the story, and the fluffiness. A lot of things happening, so logic need to get out of the way, you know. A 3 yo kid able to carry a gun and cannon, and a baby is because she has a lot of mana. Just like what was told at the start. Also, just an advice to throw logic. Hahah

    Lambo June 21, 2024 11:54 am

    Sorry.... Didn't see the part that you're only at chapter 5.. hahaha..... Don't read my comment at the end. Its a spoiler

    Hopepehehehehe June 21, 2024 12:58 pm
    For this kinds of stories... It's better to throw out your brain when reading them... And just enjoy the art, the story, and the fluffiness. A lot of things happening, so logic need to get out of the way, you k... Lambo

    and yeah I was aware from the moment she was training her brothers or smth along the lines in the prologue that it was a turn off your brain story, I brought it up on myself reading it while knowing it might end up pissing me off( ̄∇ ̄") But thanks for the spoiler tbh I might read this again just for that (≧▽≦)

    Lambo June 21, 2024 4:44 pm
    SHE HAS A WHAT LFMAOOAOA?? A CANON????and yeah I was aware from the moment she was training her brothers or smth along the lines in the prologue that it was a turn off your brain story, I brought it up on mysel... Hopepehehehehe

    Yeah. Hahahahha. So there's foreshadowing at the start that there's something goin on with her body so she could do what others can't do at that age. She's an old soul and fiction, so read at your own risk. Hahahahha