My issue with Chungi isn’t that he messed up once. It’s cause he made that same mistake twice with no consequences.
1. He first gaslights the mc, making him feel like it was his fault and then dips. 2. Then he triggered the ml completely unprovoked just cause he can and then dipped again. 3. On top of that, he never apologized for doing either of those things. 4. He also keeps sticking to the idea that he was dating the mc in the past even though they both understood they were just fuckbuddies and used that misconception to justify/ excuse all of his wrongs.
And none of that has been resolved and now the main story has been interrupted at a climactic moment in order to watch chungi and the manager have fun instead. It just makes it hard to enjoy the chapter and his character as a whole.
From what I've seen in the raws he's at least gonna have to face the consequences of what he did to Inwoo but yeah same I wished they would've adressed all of this before they started the thing between him and the manager.
My issue with Chungi isn’t that he messed up once. It’s cause he made that same mistake twice with no consequences.
1. He first gaslights the mc, making him feel like it was his fault and then dips.
2. Then he triggered the ml completely unprovoked just cause he can and then dipped again.
3. On top of that, he never apologized for doing either of those things.
4. He also keeps sticking to the idea that he was dating the mc in the past even though they both understood they were just fuckbuddies and used that misconception to justify/ excuse all of his wrongs.
And none of that has been resolved and now the main story has been interrupted at a climactic moment in order to watch chungi and the manager have fun instead. It just makes it hard to enjoy the chapter and his character as a whole.