I’ve read this multiple times. I keep looking for that instance where the doctor could h...

Bara Bitch May 31, 2024 5:28 pm

I’ve read this multiple times. I keep looking for that instance where the doctor could have been saved. But I can’t find it. Or rather, there were so many instances where he could have been but keeps making the wrong choice. It’s hard to blame Clark cos the doctor would have fallen in love with Alex anyway. It’s also easy to blame Clark since he was the reason Alex killed the doctor. It’s these contradictions that make this story, and character study so fascinating and tragic.

When Clark looks longingly that that finger it’s just so heart wrenching. If only he could have been better in communicating his feelings. It’s likely he was a psychopath, but did indeed feel love for the doctor.

    Bara Bitch May 31, 2024 5:29 pm

    The doctor has a history of falling in love with guys that hurt and ruin him. When he finds someone that does - Clark - it doesn’t work out as Clark is unable to communicate affection in a traditional way. And yet Clark always came to his rescue in the past and would have treated him with care, albeit not with the warmth one would expect from a partner.