Her backstory is supposed to make us feel empathetic but all i felt was honestly more annoyance cos shes not even meant to be villainy but she sure does act like one for no apparent reason other than the mc being a student of his. Its like she just purposefully jumps to conclusion when its the mc and prof shelly but ignores other details. Make me think that she doesnt deserve prof shelly really.

Also ngl her monologues doesnt spoke love tbh but rather worship. Like she worships him for being so great and “free” someone she wanted to be and she puts him on a pedestal that is so unreachable and unreal common ppl dont deserve to gaze at him, but her. She is one step away from being a stalker and if she wansnt a female lead she would easily be villainess

I didn't read my of her monologues but that was definitely the vibe that I got from skimming over the images.
I think the author wanted her to be the nonchalant FL with a soft spot only for the person she likes but the way she treated our lovable and sweet mc 100% puts her in the villainess corner of shame

I read it, the skip in the end cos i thought its the sob backstory, just her worshipping prof shelly like he some jesus meant to save her. So youre not missing out. And yea i think shes the typical manhua cool girl fl but i dont feel her coolness. This might seem like total bashing on her (but its not cos its criticism) but like i really tried to like her character. ╥﹏╥
This my opinion bit elenor was super annoying since introduction. Like relationship rule gurl: no label no opinion. I get that she irritated cos her crush “seems” to dote on someone else, but the unnecessary hate and jealousy when she cant even be upfront about her feeling is bothering. Also the fact that she fails never tries to investigate but just jumps to conclusions. Gurl give our mc a break. Im kinda blaming you too for what happened to carol btw. That ‘training’ you so volunteered has underlying personal issues. U didnt even apologize for to carol or mc or your crush even out of courtesy. Grrr
Ps shipping carol and coal, so cant relate with yalls fight. Juat think that they have potential