god awful, dogwater story. i wasted my time

levipleasecallmeback May 31, 2024 10:29 am

whoever told me this was good you will pay.

rape bs aside, the plot is all twisted and tangled within the bad writing and lack of execution. the story had potential, but because of its sorry excuse for filler, character development, and relationship building it’s not doing it justice. i found the plot points interesting, having a complex life and intense longing to reconnect with your twin. then getting sucked into an illegal weapon industry scheme set up by the very uncle who was supposed to protect you. however… we ended up not getting any elaborate scene with the twins around their birthdays where it was emphasized the older twin WOULD reach out- but this was quickly brushed over. then with the uncle, mc’s reaction to being used/manipulated was so tame and a let down. i just get blueballed by the way the storylines are completed ??

don’t even get me started on how shallow mc’s relationship was with the twink, i swear their fondness for each other is forced by plot. in the same breathe, another forced aspect is ilay and mc’s fake complex relationship. because wdym you can’t find yourself hating him after he brutally sa’d you, killed several others terribly even though he was implied as the instigator, and treats you/everyone less than garbage…

not to mention, the author sliding in that the older twin brother created a detailed, fully fleshed out machine gun blueprint as a child LMAO??? THAT WAS SO POORLY PUT IN I CRIED LAUGHING

    kyon May 31, 2024 10:37 am

    your first sentence ╥﹏╥ HAHAHh Im sorry you didnt enjoy this one

    Justdiegurl May 31, 2024 11:22 am

    I was about to read this cuz I heard that this is a good manhwa but then I saw your comment. Now I can't decide whether to read this or not

    Lambo May 31, 2024 11:38 am

    For a good art like this, you'll expect a good storyline as well.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    But as you said, mc and ml does have a forced complex relationship. However, you should have seen it also that mc's personality is going with the flow. I think it was done in a monologue somewhere.
    I haven't read the novel, i wish i could, but it's just been slowly translated to English currently. So i dunno how the author describe major points/emotional states of each character that is lacking in the narrative in the webtoon. Like, why did mc thought to sa ml when leaving.. cause he was sa'd by ml? For revenge of being sa'd? Like doesn't make sense for me. And several other points.. i just hope everything will make sense at the end.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Fav_nini May 31, 2024 12:50 pm
    I was about to read this cuz I heard that this is a good manhwa but then I saw your comment. Now I can't decide whether to read this or not Justdiegurl

    rape aside I personally feel like the plot is really good and well written out like you can tell the author wasn’t just making bs up as the story progressed and like most other books the plot doesn’t go down the drain as soon as they engage in any sexual activities and the plot keeps you hooked on the storyline the whole time, disregarding the length of the manhwa so far. But yes there is a lot of sexual assault and non consensual sex.

    levipleasecallmeback May 31, 2024 7:27 pm
    I was about to read this cuz I heard that this is a good manhwa but then I saw your comment. Now I can't decide whether to read this or not Justdiegurl

    don’t please save yourself the trouble!!

    it is not well written or good, contrary to what another commenter said. i literally detailed why the story was badly executed in my original post so ill save you the trouble and sum it up with how the plot was muddled by the unnatural forced situations. the coincidences weren’t written with enough build up in mind, so it seems comical the way everything falls into place. if you want an action bl i can give you recommendations, it won’t have similar plots but the vibe is the same

    levipleasecallmeback May 31, 2024 7:28 pm
    your first sentence ╥﹏╥ HAHAHh Im sorry you didnt enjoy this one kyon

    thank you for your condolences ╥﹏╥

    levipleasecallmeback May 31, 2024 7:35 pm
    For a good art like this, you'll expect a good storyline as well. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭But as you said, mc and ml does have a forced complex relationship. However, you should have seen it also that mc's personali... Lambo

    yes that’s why the story intrigued me at first

    plus i definitely kept that in mind!! that because of his upbringing he tends to get over things quickly and socially adapts. however in the same breathe i dont think being brutally raped is the same type of trauma as family complexities, i believe if it delved into him convincing himself he was fine/okay it would’ve been great! BUT the way he didn’t really bat an eye and continued to lowkey long for him + show signs of fondness had me ??

    i wish this also had more dialogue in general rather than the plot pushing the relationships

    levipleasecallmeback May 31, 2024 7:36 pm
    rape aside I personally feel like the plot is really good and well written out like you can tell the author wasn’t just making bs up as the story progressed and like most other books the plot doesn’t go dow... Fav_nini

    can you explain this then ?

    my entire original comment refutes this with examples, so i want to understand your reasoning and perspective

    ZenRyu May 31, 2024 10:57 pm

    I felt like it was a decent story, except the sexual assault. Bro has issues, there's no doubt about it. Ilay's a psycho who's always got what he wanted, regardless of the others' feelings. He never truly cared about anyone, so his feelings for Tay perplexes even him. On the other hand, even though Tay was assaulted and manipulated on several occasions, he knows the sides of Ilay not many know. Both of them had the same interest in books, so Tay's sure they'd have become good friends if not for Ilay's twisted mindset. He knows Ilay treats him differently, is also attractive and strong, so he couldn't help having feelings. Love isn't rational all the time, after all. Think of it more like a Stockholm Syndrome..
    Oh! Regarding Tay's uncle.. It wasn't just glossed over. Though Tay has some principles of his own he isn't really a hero of justice or anything. He's also kind and soft, so even though he disliked the fact that his 'family' kept him in the dark about the weapon business he forgave them because they're the only ones left who he holds dear.

    ZenRyu May 31, 2024 11:05 pm
    I felt like it was a decent story, except the sexual assault. Bro has issues, there's no doubt about it. Ilay's a psycho who's always got what he wanted, regardless of the others' feelings. He never truly cared... ZenRyu

    Having said all that, I still wish Tay would give a solid retaliation. I believe in paybacks ( ̄へ ̄)

    levipleasecallmeback June 1, 2024 12:18 am
    I felt like it was a decent story, except the sexual assault. Bro has issues, there's no doubt about it. Ilay's a psycho who's always got what he wanted, regardless of the others' feelings. He never truly cared... ZenRyu

    i respect your opinion but still disagree…

    i can see mc was fond of the “hidden” personality as a book friend, but i feel like this was constantly being overwritten by how ilay behaved around him. for example, how he kept instigating to steal the person he’s dating + do things to him and eventually getting head/sex, then rubbing it in his face when mc saw it happening. their shared interest in books is not deep enough for me to understand why he keeps making excuses for ilay or going out of his way to save him and stuff when he’s done so much worse otherwise. and i wouldn’t apply that love is irrational to this situation considering the lack of build up and manipulation tbh. he knows ilay is an evil, terrible person but due to plot alone, he’ll fall even deeper. he horrified of the old crush’s different persona, but then is unmoving towards ilays own personality twists ?

    then with the uncle, i don’t expect him to be heroic after finding out. what i meant by “glossed over” was his feelings of betrayal and resentment which would’ve made sense given the severity of the situation. he was not only forced to be one of the soldiers, but then targeted after becoming an assistant and hated by everyone!! and then was forced to be a scapegoat!!! his isolation and anger deserved room for expression, but they wrapped it up in a single chapter and he got over it…

    Lambo June 1, 2024 11:36 am
    yes that’s why the story intrigued me at firstplus i definitely kept that in mind!! that because of his upbringing he tends to get over things quickly and socially adapts. however in the same breathe i dont t... levipleasecallmeback

    That's true

    Maybe the artist didn't thought of those who haven't read the novel yet. Need more narrative to explain why/what/how
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    ZenRyu June 1, 2024 4:16 pm
    i respect your opinion but still disagree…i can see mc was fond of the “hidden” personality as a book friend, but i feel like this was constantly being overwritten by how ilay behaved around him. for exam... levipleasecallmeback

    Ah.. Now that I think of it, Tay's attitude can be considered inconsistent. While he's described as the go with the flow type, I'm sure he holds resentment, rage and all sorts of emotions but doesn't act on it. He's also described as the sort of person who'd always look ways to survive, so I guess he doesn't dwell too much because it'd be harder to survive. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    I'm not that good at explaining but his easy-going personality somehow makes sense to me.

    levipleasecallmeback June 1, 2024 5:25 pm
    That's true ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Maybe the artist didn't thought of those who haven't read the novel yet. Need more narrative to explain why/what/how(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Lambo

    right it would be so much better that way (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    levipleasecallmeback June 1, 2024 5:47 pm
    Ah.. Now that I think of it, Tay's attitude can be considered inconsistent. While he's described as the go with the flow type, I'm sure he holds resentment, rage and all sorts of emotions but doesn't act on it.... ZenRyu

    i see what you mean! but i still wish it translated better when put in the manhwa. it’d be interesting to me seeing him be conflicted about something and seeing his thought process like you mentioned

    imo instead of easy going, his actions come off as him having surface level thoughts about everything which frustrated me. and some of his behavior was extremely impulsive or dumb which contradicted his survivalist mentality ╥﹏╥. for example, when he threatened ilay with the empty gun after he tried to murder someone in the cafeteria?? mc’s all about looking for ways live easier yet had random moments of justice or forgetting his easy-going attitude only when it came to ilay even before finding out he was the dude he video called. contradictions would make him feel more human had we seen his inner voice, but instead his actions are plot driven not character driven. like he HAS to do these things because the author wrote for him to fall for ilay, and not because he actually liked him on his own

    ZenRyu June 1, 2024 9:37 pm
    i see what you mean! but i still wish it translated better when put in the manhwa. it’d be interesting to me seeing him be conflicted about something and seeing his thought process like you mentionedimo inste... levipleasecallmeback

    I know what you mean! He's the type who's selective about situations like- "don't die in front me! I'd feel bad" If I were in his shoes I'd be miles away from someone like Ilay as soon as I come to know about him. But alas Tay couldn't leave UNHRDO for whatever reason.