I find “skill” and “talent” different things. Yes, there is lots of overlap. But there have been genius child artists who have painted and drawn unbelievably amazing things with little to no professional training.
Skill is something that comes with lots of hard work and effort; constant practice is necessary to call a person “skilled.” On the other hand, talent is something people can be born with (and figure it out later). Talent can also be considered something that some people aren’t capable of doing (like whistling through their nose).
So in this case, Raisi (the autistic boy) was born with the talent of painting. His mother was a skilled painter (we saw scenes of her working tirelessly to paint as much as she wanted, increasing her skill through practice).
I’m not saying this is a common occurrence because real talent is a rarity. Most people have to work really hard to get to the level of truly talented people.
Wow, autism representation in an romance fantasy manhwa? What an unexpected pleasure! I don't like how they represented "genius artistic talent" though. That's not how having skills works