Came back to finish this…finally

RenRen May 30, 2024 7:47 pm

Asami is a thought woman, the strongest character from the very beginning. Being a Yakuza wife is mostly a social role. Asami is a smart and strong woman, she loves her husband, but she knew that his love has to be shared, and she accepted it that’s why she’s his wife in the first place, couldn’t have been anyone else. Not easy being the wife of a Yakuza, most of the time it’s arranged, they’re lucky that she was at least in love with him. He loved her too, I’m sure if it was between her and the son and Rogi hanging on the cliff, he would save them first. But he would also then jump after Rogi even if it means they die together.

    ladyyaz June 19, 2024 12:45 pm

    True. She’s the best character in this whole manga. I hope she had her side pieces on the side tho

    RenRen June 19, 2024 8:03 pm
    True. She’s the best character in this whole manga. I hope she had her side pieces on the side tho ladyyaz

    Doesn't seem like her character to have a side piece. She's stronger than all of us for sure. That's why only she could tolerate Akitora and Rogi. Their happiness is built on her tolerance and sacrifice.

    ladyyaz June 19, 2024 9:15 pm

    It’s definitely established that she was driven by her duty towards Akitora and the group but she still displays negative emotions. Let’s not forget that the one she loves is in live with someone else. And he didn’t even tell her. Asoda. She basically got broken hearted in her own marriage regardless of how she feels about Uichi. She was jealous so it wouldn’t be far fetched to assume that she could also be vindictive and that she also yearns for love. All the interactions she’s had with him, she’s had to make the first move towards him and towards the end he didn’t even want to be intimate with her. My girl also deserves some deck :’)

    I digress but I know for sure that unlike her entitled husband, she wouldn’t plaster her lover to everyone (if she ever got one or more). But she definitely deserved her love story too.

    ladyyaz June 19, 2024 9:19 pm

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they never you know engaged with each other after Uichi left for the rest of their marriage (since Tatsuyuki is an only child). Akitora was so hooked that he forgave him raping his son after all.

    RenRen June 22, 2024 6:02 am
    I wouldn’t be surprised if they never you know engaged with each other after Uichi left for the rest of their marriage (since Tatsuyuki is an only child). Akitora was so hooked that he forgave him raping his ... ladyyaz

    This is my take. It’s a complicated relationship and you’ll think I’m an optimist for it but oh well haha

    She died quietly after falling asleep in the arms of the man that she loved. She had him for herself at that time, she had him at his peak, and Akitora really did love her because as he said it took him a long time to even do anything again. I like the fact that after her death he still did not meet Rogi, probably out of respect for both Asami’s passing and Rogi wanting to build a life for himself and be a better man first.

    Looking at the flash black Asami died when their son was still small, maybe 10-13, and he’s well into adulthood now. Akitora and Rogi didn't meet for a total of 27 years, and he didn’t send his underling to check out Rogi until now, so safe to say he had an appropriate mourning period for his only wife. Now he will grow old and die with the *other* greatest love of his life.

    I would have hated Akitora if he went to Rogi immediately after Asami’s death, but the fact he didn’t speaks volumes about his love for her. He has lived with her and he will die with Rogi, I think that’s an appropriate ending for all three of them.

    Now my only issue is with Rogi’s action in the son’s story, which is technically the prequel, it seems completely weird AF to me and so out of place from Rogi’s respect for Asami, so I wonder if the mangaka wrote that first then started to think about this storyline and it was too late to change anything, so they decided to dismiss it.

    ladyyaz June 22, 2024 10:40 pm

    Definitely wanted to change Rogi’s story or she could’ve continued the sequel a bit longer at least up until his older years so we can understand why you would do that to the baby you risked your life to save and the child of someone that literally took care of you despite disrespecting her and her marriage unscrupulously. Makes it very hard to sympathise. But of course it’s probably the result of that enabler Akitora. That guy just does whatever he wants, expects everyone to accept it, does not give an f about his duties, his wife and his child, yet he’s so respected by literally everyone in this manga. God I never hated a character this much. That’s not a love story to me. They’re both just assholes who don’t care about anyone but themselves but still want to garner sympathy from everybody else and I hate that people still have so much affection and respect for them. Especially Asami.

    Personally I think maybe his brother had something to do with why he didn’t meet rogi right after Asami’s death. He come off as someone that has more common sense and self awareness and probably wanted him to focus on his duties. Only good thing is that Akitora’s character remained consistent in really not caring about his son until the end.

    ladyyaz June 22, 2024 10:43 pm

    All that to say, I prefer at least Rogi not caring about who he affects since it’s said that he’s been like that since childhood but everyone resents him for it but when Akitora is like that, everyone loves him for it and I hate him for it. It’s giving that person that everyone likes but you know there’s just something off about them.

    manticoredoll March 19, 2025 7:34 am
    True. She’s the best character in this whole manga. I hope she had her side pieces on the side tho ladyyaz

    Lol yes, I was hoping for this too but unfortunately, a very male-centric world Japan is, it's highly unlikely and she would have been severely punished for it being yakuza wife