June soon!

elolinon89 May 30, 2024 6:56 pm

It's June sooon!
And hey, why do some people write "I will never like the top, I still hate him blah blah"
Why are you still here then? It is clearly stated that this yaoi has sensitive content etc and people still complain?!?! Nah, I wanna see more of their chaotic relationship, they are a crazy match made in heaven!!!

    Mruna June 1, 2024 8:04 am

    Right! I hate those type of people. You can have a different opinion but just yapping about how you'll never like the top then don't. Don't read it

    elolinon89 June 1, 2024 9:51 am
    Right! I hate those type of people. You can have a different opinion but just yapping about how you'll never like the top then don't. Don't read it Mruna


    BrokenEchoes June 4, 2024 12:37 am

    Maybe because the top isn't the only character in the whole webtoon?

    Mruna June 5, 2024 1:43 pm
    Maybe because the top isn't the only character in the whole webtoon? BrokenEchoes

    He may not be the ONLY character but he is the MAIN character. The story revolves the top and bottom.

    BrokenEchoes June 5, 2024 6:05 pm
    He may not be the ONLY character but he is the MAIN character. The story revolves the top and bottom. Mruna

    Yeah, and I happen to like Euihyun but not the a-hole who keeps raping him. What's your point?

    Mruna June 5, 2024 7:51 pm
    Yeah, and I happen to like Euihyun but not the a-hole who keeps raping him. What's your point? BrokenEchoes

    My point is that if the fact that he is a a hole who rapes his partner unsettled you, drop this . No need to get offended. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Mruna June 5, 2024 7:52 pm
    My point is that if the fact that he is a a hole who rapes his partner unsettled you, drop this . No need to get offended. ( ̄へ ̄) Mruna

    At me I mean

    BrokenEchoes June 5, 2024 10:04 pm

    Why would I drop it when I like Euihyun and other characters? Taeju was a rapist from the start. I'm only bothered by the fact that the author made it seem like he was getting character development and was doing it so well. Only to make him rape Euihyun again. So it's more disappointment and disgust than anything else.

    Readers are allowed to call him out as a rapist and it makes more sense than calling him any kind of green flag. You don't offend me. I just think people who are so hellbent on defending a rapist - even if he is fictional - are weird.

    Mruna June 6, 2024 8:04 am
    Why would I drop it when I like Euihyun and other characters? Taeju was a rapist from the start. I'm only bothered by the fact that the author made it seem like he was getting character development and was doin... BrokenEchoes

    You already got it in your head that I am defending him. I said if you feel so weird about it , drop it. Don't talk shit about it . Do you like the other lead? Good for you. Who am I to tell you not to do it . Just stop putting words in my mouth

    elolinon89 June 6, 2024 8:52 am
    Why would I drop it when I like Euihyun and other characters? Taeju was a rapist from the start. I'm only bothered by the fact that the author made it seem like he was getting character development and was doin... BrokenEchoes

    I've never understood why people read stories that clearly say "contains sensitive material, rape, abuse, etc" and then complain all the time... so annoying! I personally think Taeju is far from the worst top you read about among all yaois! (Although it doesn't matter that I say it, because then it looks like I'm defending a rapist and supporting the author who writes about such things...)

    BrokenEchoes June 6, 2024 10:47 am
    You already got it in your head that I am defending him. I said if you feel so weird about it , drop it. Don't talk shit about it . Do you like the other lead? Good for you. Who am I to tell you not to do it . ... Mruna

    No one is putting words in your mouth. If you're not defending him, why does it bother you that I'm calling the other lead exactly what he is? I can say what I like about him and this story because I'm not saying anything wrong.

    And I already explained that I'm not dropping the story because I like the main character and other characters. Like you said, who are you to tell me what to do?

    BrokenEchoes June 6, 2024 10:52 am
    I've never understood why people read stories that clearly say "contains sensitive material, rape, abuse, etc" and then complain all the time... so annoying! I personally think Taeju is far from the worst top y... elolinon89

    I can complain about stories or characters that seem to be developing in one direction and then suddenly switch up in a way that doesn't make sense. You're allowed to critique a story and express disappointment in a comment section.

    If you read my previous post, you'd know that. It's even more annoying seeing people gush over rapists and then pretend they're not defending them.