
Right? The princes hurt her but go unpunished and she even befriends them in a heartbeat. I find especially strange that she knows absolutely nothing about how the world works and who is who after living there for 3 whole years...what did she study at the academy? How to look at clouds? I really don't like when the MC is this idiotic (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
why are they friends with the prince when he tried to have her killed same with the 5th prince who also tried to kill her.
she is super weak girl is kidnapped so often
she has lived there for 3 yrs and is still stupid like girl how
and of course she has so come on every mission even though she cant do shit
also cant the griffon fly was it tired or something i feel like the griffon is looked over on the strong beast it was supposed to be like prince #5 made it with the intention of being able to kill ren it failed badly but it was supposed to be strong right?
anyways this would have been better if it was just a love story but their love progressed at the speed of light and the plot has not shown itself