cryin aint the prob

angel1 May 30, 2024 1:54 am

nothing wrong with cryin so long as you get it out and move on.

the real prob is attempted suicide just because your boyfriend is cheating on you, that's pathetic. beat the shit outta him or get sweet revenge and then move on - but your life is worth way more than that!

    OpiSin May 30, 2024 2:42 am

    Her boyfriend wasn't just her boyfriend, he was the one person out of the whole crew who stood by her side. The only friend and confidant she had, since she was a child. Her only loved one.

    He was also her only real way out of the mercenary crew and chance to have a normal family.

    She was constantly treated meanly by the group and basically emotionally abused. She has literally no self-esteem at that point. Her only loved one has abandoned her.

    So her feeling totally abandoned and falling into despair, leading to her crying and attempting suicide sounds really understandable.

    Calling anyone's reasoning for attempting suicide 'pathetic' is not only harsh, but actually quite dangerous.

    angel1 May 30, 2024 3:36 am
    Her boyfriend wasn't just her boyfriend, he was the one person out of the whole crew who stood by her side. The only friend and confidant she had, since she was a child. Her only loved one. He was also her only... OpiSin

    tryin to off yourself for a man is fuckin pathetic no matter how you slice it. she can be upset and cry it out as much as she wants (that's fine) but throwing away your life is pathetic and lame. your life is waaaaay more important than some douchebag that betrays you. suicide is NEVER the answer!

    BananaSlayer May 30, 2024 4:58 am

    It wasn’t exactly bc of Fabian, but bc of the Princess’ words

    OpiSin May 30, 2024 5:07 am

    But it mattered to the FL because of Fabian's influence and participation underlying the words of the Princess.

    mxkorbs June 13, 2024 12:44 pm

    Keep your problematic opinions to yourself. Suicide is never pathetic, no matter the reason. Her attempting suicide after being betrayed by the only person she cared about is not pathetic. You thinking otherwise just proves you are the definition of the problem with how society handles suicide.
    If her actions bother you so much, just drop the comic and go research mental health instead. Sorry for being antagonistic, this take just really struck a nerve.

    Lor June 13, 2024 4:54 pm
    tryin to off yourself for a man is fuckin pathetic no matter how you slice it. she can be upset and cry it out as much as she wants (that's fine) but throwing away your life is pathetic and lame. your life is w... angel1

    You’re either too young to even try and understand the complexities of life or you’re stubborn boomer which I highly doubt lmao. There are some things you can only truly understand with experience and maturity which takes timeeee. So you can stick by your beliefs for now but eventually you’ll come to realise that life is never as ‘black and white’ as you thought :)

    Ombelyne July 3, 2024 10:32 am
    You’re either too young to even try and understand the complexities of life or you’re stubborn boomer which I highly doubt lmao. There are some things you can only truly understand with experience and matur... Lor

    Funny because maturing is learning that mental disorder as suicidal désire are not "pathetic". They are illness.
    Some people hère might have suicidal desire because they are suffering so much, if you were mature, you would have known that talking liké you did was just make them feel guilty and humiliate them, making them weaker in front of their illness. Being an adult and behaving as such means controlling your words, not asserting things without finding out, especially on a subject that can hurt people and, in this case, lead to death.
    A suicidal person is not pathetic, they are a person with moments of weakness who is fighting with their own brain. You have to be f*cking brave for that.

    Lor July 3, 2024 12:48 pm
    Funny because maturing is learning that mental disorder as suicidal désire are not "pathetic". They are illness. Some people hère might have suicidal desire because they are suffering so much, if you were mat... Ombelyne

    Now I knowwww you’re not directing this towards me bruh. Re-read what I said.. you’re reacting to the wrong person you peanut.

    Ombelyne July 3, 2024 5:19 pm
    Now I knowwww you’re not directing this towards me bruh. Re-read what I said.. you’re reacting to the wrong person you peanut. Lor

    Oh i'm so sorry! With how the com are put, i thought you were talking to mxkorbs as their com IS just above yours!

    Lor July 3, 2024 6:50 pm
    Oh i'm so sorry! With how the com are put, i thought you were talking to mxkorbs as their com IS just above yours! Ombelyne

    No worries, sorrry for the overreaction lmaoo

    Ombelyne July 3, 2024 8:05 pm
    No worries, sorrry for the overreaction lmaoo Lor

    Nah, i'm french so i didn't fully understand why thé peanut x)