Just because she's kinda annoying doesn't mean she deserves to die. Sangwoo is a psychopath but she doesn't know that..yet. Sangwoo always puts on his social mask around people outside, so she has no way of knowing she's in danger. Also, she's not a slut, she doesn't know Sangwoo and Bum are "together" (though it's not really a relationship because Bum is a captive), so as far as she's concerned, Sangwoo is single.

he was probably smiling since he plans on killing someone after a long time. for hat bitch to feel close and comfortable,he has sex with her and later she will probably get dragged into the basement,torture and perhaps even fuck yoonbum in front of her. Yoonbum will probably look at her smiling while she is devastated (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 lets hope this thought is true~

!!!! She is slut because she has sex with the guy she likes? Well then aren't we all sluts?!

@togtog msiogynistic? lol perhaps im female? but whatever. its just a speculation about what could happen. this is the kind of manwha you are reading. cant deal with comments like these,then don't read it. stop expecting and quit it.
Gotta say you should calm your man titties but if female,well then mrs feminist,calm those hanging boobs of yours :)

"cant deal with comments like these, then don't read it. stop expecting and quit it"
lol how am I suppose to "not being able to deal with it" if I didn't even read it first Sherlock? oh and even if I read the comments and didn't like some I will still comment and express my opinion especially on the crappy ones. so I think the one who should deal with it here is you my butthurt fellow :)
"Gotta say you should calm your man titties but if female, well then mrs feminist, calm those hanging boobs of yours :)"
mines are calm, but yours surely aint :)

first you are telling me to deal with it and quit it if I didn't like it (which indicates you telling me to not "complain" while you were actually complaining) and now you are playing the victim card by making it seems that I'm the one who's Preventing you from complaining? nice try
your "don't like it don't read it" comment was also unnecessary and illogical since everyone should be able to express their opinion (good or bad) so obviously this is what you also needed someone to tell you and so I did.

This is with regards to your original "misogyny" comment. The problem with society is that, slight a woman they automatically equate it to misogyny. I honestly think that people dislike a character that JUST HAPPENS to be a woman, with a very nasty attitude. Now before you bring up the "what about sangwoo and bum, people like them but hate her!?" (Not saying you would but YOU MIGHT) Sangwoo and Bum have been introduced to us flawed from the start. We have become emotionally attached to them, regardless of their actions. The girl however was designed to be 'unliked', somewhat used as a point of conflict.

I think the misogyny comment was made not only because they dislike her or that they're happy she's dying but that they went as far as saying it's "her fault for being a slut". Not only is that slut-shaming but it's untrue. She had sex with one person, and from what she thought in the previous chapters, she's been waiting a while for that moment to come. There's no reason to assume that she's promiscuous. Labeling her as such and saying it's her fault is a misogynistic statement. The "lol Jk" afterwards does not cancel out this statement.

Since obviously the very statement was directed to what i was thinking may happen to the girl. Like that wasn't even a complaint coming from you? So now i'm the victim of what? I'm simply returning back what was thrown at me! Like i said,if you can't handle that much knowing what kind of manga this is,then what are you trying to prove now?

Whoa WTF!! U guys gotta chill lol
I was just kidding. Ik the girl isnt a slut, "she waited for this moment to come" ik, But i wasnt serious when i said she was a slut i was just playing around. The only reason i said it cuz i saw someone else said it N i thought it was kinda funny. N if that was me i would of probably done it with the guy i liked too.
So U Guys Need To Chill TF out. I didnt mean to make an arguement but for those that thinks that i think shes a slut, I dont. Im Sorry if offended any one.

nothing you said was offending. just a genius among genius tries to be judgemental and bringing in bullshit from the get go. I only frigging wanted to guess what might happen in the next episode but there are always those people who think you are being such an ass and although it is just a "MANGA",they think that's also the mindset you gotta have in reality....smh @togtog,who knows the whole life of every fucking being and penetrating into their minds like an open book so they can judge you like a piece of shit that he/she probably is.
What the HELL!?!? Wtf is wrong with Sangwoo? Like wtf is all i can say like WTF
Wat the fuck is gonna happen to yoonbum?
N that Bitch is dead......... Oh well. Her fault for being a slut.... lol Jk But fr its her fault...... She dug her own grave