I really like

sweety1997 May 29, 2024 11:54 pm

how real this is. `The current arc. it is so relatable. shows us the whole human spectrum of emotions etc. I can relate a lot to both! I can empathise with both. and both are right. and I feel much more for the seme rn. it is different. yes, I empathise a lot for the uke. I understand him. I don't blame him either. but one person was preoccupied by his past and his fears of a what if scenario. the other was invested in the present. then he realised that his boyfriend wasn't even in the present with him, but living in the past and future. so he realised they were disconnected. and he didn't notice until strangers coincidentally created a situation that made him aware of the disconnect that went unnoticed for who knows how long.

it hurts to realise you were somewhere completely different than someone you thought you are intimate with on something (be it lover, friend or family). it makes you doubt a lot of things and doubt means uncertainty and that is very unsettling. very saddening. makes us afraid on a very fundamental level. dude just realised his boyfriend was projecting his ex on him, didn't feel on the same not as him about their relationship and level of intimacy, trust and commitment to the relationship (their "us") and heard from strangers first about something that has deep meaning between these two and is the pillar of their connection. Some people don't get it. But this is deep.

My mother is a very understanding and open-minded woman. But one thing she will not forgive is making her be in a situation like him. Where she hears about something important from strangers about me and doesn't know what to say. That feeling is something she asked of us very early to never ever make her feel. She doesn't ask much of us. But this was one of those. Loyalty is really big for us. Do whatever you want, but never put her in that situation where she feels betrayed. Even if it's not true. It happened. The situation is what it is.

He had so much time to tell him. I get a few days to digest things and calm down and sort out your head. But dude literally waited until they did a goodbye party for him....and was STILL contemplating telling his boyfriend about it....like he took it to far man..
