who in their right mind would refuse to be apprentice of a hero ally swordmaster like she definitely got the dumbest brain of them all and it's laughable how only the count and knight were doing a background check and thought MC would be a demon while his daughter refused apprenticeship of "HERO" swordmaster for someone who could possibly be a demon also what's with her not knowing about testing through duel type of thing when she wants to be swordsman as my dad used to say where the hell is sportsmanship
who in their right mind would refuse to be apprentice of a hero ally swordmaster like she definitely got the dumbest brain of them all and it's laughable how only the count and knight were doing a background check and thought MC would be a demon while his daughter refused apprenticeship of "HERO" swordmaster for someone who could possibly be a demon also what's with her not knowing about testing through duel type of thing when she wants to be swordsman as my dad used to say where the hell is sportsmanship