Yes. If people are uncomfortable then stop reading it. But you and I both know that people won’t. They want to continue reading it just to come and complain about the work this author chose to tell the story. Not every yaoi is meant for everyone. Hypocritical moralist like you need to just GTFO of this yaoi if you don’t like it. Nobody is forcing you to read this yaoi and come here to be a whiny little bitch because the author pandering to you and others like you. I know calling you a serial monogamist strike a nerve because deep down you know this is what you are. You like to be a keyboard warrior over a story you claim you don’t like yet cannot stop reading.

I love seeing how ruffled people are about not only the story but what I say. The comment section is full of hypocrites who claim they do t like this or that about the story. But they will keep coming back to read a manga they claim they have objections to.
Most readers have a very black and white view of things. They are only gray about toxic red flag seme SA and raping the seme. Whereas, I see the yaois in technicolors of the var LGBTQIA flags. In these works of fiction I don’t apply serial monogamy or heterosexual norms to two gay men. I am not going to rehash last week’s argument about “cheating” into this week.
This is the most interesting sexually open manga I have read. Serial monogamist are losing their shit over the fact that Ethan was kissed by someone who was in love with his father as if they fucked each other brains out. When Wren was walking around naked with Tristen, people were losing their shit too. It’s so interesting that people who read yaoi seems to be more forgiving with toxic red flag seme who literally are sexually assaulting the uke than they are with what people are calling “cheating” here. Like Tristen having Sebastian as his sex slave who takes care of him gets a pass.. But this doesn’t is funny because for two sexually aggressive protagonists, they need to only fuck each other because they are in a relationship. Clearly, the parameters of who is and what isn’t allowed is defined by the readers and not by the writers or characters. I can’t wait to see more “weird” plot points because I love how narrow minded people are being about Ethan and Tristen’s relationship is and isn’t. Like people forget this is one of the very few Yaoi that have switch/verse characters.This is more a reality of gay men then straight up either top or bottom. Non-homosexuals do not know that while there is a preference to being a pitcher or receiver, there aren’t many strictly top or strictly bottoms. Most gay men are verse with a preference to one over the other. I love how this is one of the few yaoi that shows gay men aren’t fixated in societal norms. I can’t wait to see how much more this yaoi is going to upset more people.