CandyCone21 May 29, 2024 12:46 am

I sigh everytime there is an update to this manga. Everytime I read it I get second hand embarrassed. I notice a gross detail like the biege cum shot. And the MC does or says something stupid. No one in the manwha is sexy. White haired dude is cute at best when he's not creepy. There's nothing redeeming about the brown haired dude. And the MC has the dumbest blonde streak in his hair. (O゚皿゚O)

And yet I come back for more, in the hopes that a good story comes out of this. I'm definitely a masochist because I keep coming back. (/o\)

Seriously fucking out loud in a fully packed bus. Not even trying to hide your shame!


    ... May 29, 2024 12:49 am

    Thought I was the only one it looks dirty

    Tia the Terrorist May 29, 2024 12:56 am

    Seeing that beige cum every week makes me physically ill, Why? just why the fuck is it Beige? I understand they’re in prison, But there’s fucking water in prison that’s just a gross detail. And don’t get me started about those ridges… I really don’t know what it’s about I skipped over the panel where they were discussing it cause I just couldn’t. and the MC I just can’t help feeling sorry for him every single chapter. Like in front of EVERYBODY like that, he gonna need to change his name and flee the country by the time he’s out of prison. But yet still, I come back every single week and nothings changed

    CandyCone21 May 29, 2024 1:25 am
    Seeing that beige cum every week makes me physically ill, Why? just why the fuck is it Beige? I understand they’re in prison, But there’s fucking water in prison that’s just a gross detail. And don’t ge... Tia the Terrorist

    A lot of times when I read I imagine if I was the MC. If I was the MC of this manwha, I would just die. I couldn't do it. This is one of those manwhas I would not want an isekai experience in.

    zuko May 29, 2024 2:29 am
    Thought I was the only one it looks dirty ...

    they’re dehydrated