Look at this prepubescent teen talking like s/he's seen the world. Lol. You crack me up.

This something writen on text book. Basic af

Thanks, you two~ ;)
Well, what I mean, the common age for majority are eighteen, but maybe in Korea it's twenty? And at my point of view, the final was just a fact like "oh… so i'm an adult now"
I'm sure he don't think than he got the absulte verity of life just because something like, ''I'm adult so I saw everything, I'm the wisdom one because I suffer the most and that's why I'm an adult" like some person think. But in my sight he's not that kind of character.
Btw, for me someone old are somebody with the age of fifty. No I'm not really advance in age for saying that… I just find the human life pretty short. I'm seventeen.
Ok ok, youre not an adult being that way, you have to forgive to moveron, maybe the time will help you to heal.... 20 years are nothing yet