His self esteem will be better in future no worries. But keep in mind his current situation is no good to be happy in. He is heavily depressed which is why his self esteem is super low. Despite that he is trying to survive and make ends meet.
Now I know your intentions are good while giving advice that this personality type will be a failure in corporate world. But again we should understand the circumstances of that person too. Not everyone can put a fake face to cover up their emotions and do work. We are humans not robots after all. So kindly be empathetic to these type of ppl irl too coz they may be going something worse we cant even imagine happening to us

but the story is quite literally about him struggling both relationship-wise and career wise due to his personality and low self-esteem caused by his upbringing and the trauma he's been through. the point of his story is quite literally him healing from what he's been through and his life getting better?

I mean … he’s heavily, HEAVILY depressed to the point where he wanted to take his own life.
Han was the only one who showed him kindness after all that and he’s also the one who saved shinwoo’s life. But he ghosted him basically, gave him the silent treatment and after years - just forgot about him.
I believe shinwoo has more to worry about than his self esteem ;(

Empathy is so important, not even talking about a character of which struggle you read about and seen in depth yet you can't even pity him so I can imagine the way you must feel about people like him of which life you know nothing about.
Even though I can imagine that it's hard to understand the struggle, their feelings are just as valid so such a surface level advice sounds harsh even if it's comes from a good place.
Omg I'm in ch 41 only... Idk but people do have really that kind of low self esteem? Idk why but shinwoo is so unlikeable to me... at least I want him to be confident... Fiction aside, this type of people are nothing but a pushover in real life...People will take them for granted..Shinwoo at least got good people in his life - both in professional and personal...
Speaking from experience as a working woman in corporate, this type of personality will bring nothing but failure in your career as well as your relationship.. people will use you as much as they wish... But you won't be able to say anything as 'You are a pathetic being with no confidence or self esteem'...
So my advice is dedicated to all the readers that said they have shinwoo personality, please grow your self confidence and esteem, and when you will grow it you can feel from your inside, it will make you powerful and beautiful.