The fact that the queen invited that bitch to a tea party knowing she previously set the b...

Mayonaise_Chicken May 27, 2024 7:44 pm

The fact that the queen invited that bitch to a tea party knowing she previously set the bitch with her son even while accepting the fiance already is so insane! And don't give me no excuse saying oh I see her as a daughter!!! WELL PREVIOUSLY YOU SAW HER AS YOUR SONS FIANCE!! Now that shes out of the way you should have more consideration your majesty. It's like bringing your son's ex to a BBQ party while the sons current girlfriend is right by his side and making the excuse "oh it's just that she is like my daughter" (true story) bestie I like you but l... You have no consideration for your son and you don't care about what he feels or his fiance. Also I feel like this story would've been a BL and the main girl would've been the person in their way of rOmanCe in another universe of course. Anyways stop inviting this girl your daughter and son clearly hates, like if you were my mom I would freaking hate you because you know I don't like this bitch yet you continue to interact with her and be all giggly.. are you my mom or her mom choose? Uhuh! I am just so mad at that fact! Anyways this manhwa should end in a couple of chapter in my mind but if they start bringing up weird shiiiii and random new characters it my go on forever! Like marry the girl, kill the bitch and become emperor the end!! Have seggs get kids and 7 cats you do you!!! I enjoyed it heheheheh

Ignore all this it's just my thoughts at midnight

Also another thing the fact that these bitches have the audacity to talk to not only her but the freaking PRINCESS like that makes me wonder are they even royalty like damn she sure as hell has wayyyy more authority as the crown princes finance soon to be empress that the bitch and her gang?? Like explain to me how this works!! Princess you better start slapping people cause I just might in real life! Girl thinks she is up their cause she is friends with the empress, sit down! That's not your mom, she your aunt UGH I AM MAD FOR NO REASON !!!! Someone kill her please oh and her parents.. her arrogance makes me sick, no actually so something worse like take away her status as nobility that's WAY worse BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! see how it feels to scrub floor.

The thing is she is like all other evil people in these reincarnation or regression stories but I am so mad it's probably because it's late, I have never cared so much for a character in my life but this girl bugs me. Sorry sorry imma stop now
