Not really, according to the story, even though the group Aki is born into is Yakuza to a degree its more old fashioned honor type. They don't do really illegal stuff, except Aki getting kidnapped occasionally, so far the Yakuza aspect it the type of connection they use from smaller groups around. Establishing that Aki's groups ( father and mother's, since he's basically a thoroughbred in that sense) are quite old families in honor terms of the Yakuza range...
If that makes sense... ( ̄∇ ̄") sorry if I went to ham... Hehe

I'm sure everyone else does stuff, but I don't think Aki has to. And the men in the house are probably for protection more than being a street team. Not that the main branch needs to have a street team, since they have smaller groups under them to do the grunt work. Probably stuff like gathering protection money.
Do they ever do any yakuza stuff lmao