But the Empress really put him in place

BaskingintheSun May 27, 2024 7:22 am

He had no interest in her when she was from a poorer background, and he only confessed his love when she had been granted an elevated status. Even then, he wasn't ready to take any losses in the name of love- he expected HER to make the sacrifice. And as stated, she "Became the most noble lady in the empire". Johannes's love wasn't worth shit.

He didn't even think of his wife while nearing his death. He was still fixated on his first love. And Shiuri wasn't even a person to him- only an object. A rose in a field of grass. Her wellbeing wasn't really a concern. He just wanted his fantasy satisfied.

All throughout the story, every character praises Johannes for having chosen Shiuri. They wonder how he knew she'd be devoted to his family, how he knew how smart she was. He didn't. He didn't know shit. He didn't give a damn about his family, and only had a passing concern for her.

He bought a 14 year old girl as a replacement and abused her.

Johannes, the man that you are, they could never make me like you.
