self diagnosing can sometimes be helpful to truly understand the way you react or comprehend things. it is completely normal to relate to some of the symptoms. all we want is to understand the root of these actions, right? but i absolutely detest when people pick out a symptom then make the disorder their entire personality. instead of figuring out the reason for their behavior, they completely ignore the core and expect everyone to be okay with the way they act, no questions asked. it is good to inform people about the reasoning for the behavior (the reasoning being the core of the symptom) but there is a fine line between that and telling people about the behavior and expect them to just be okay with the sh!tty treatment. thats ehy many are usually against people who self diagnose. however, this is a multi-dimensional topic. getting a diagnosis based on mental health is unfortunately a luxury many can't reach. it takes time, money and a lot of effort. it is goof to go to the therapist informed, that usually saves time but the mental disorder you are informed about isn't always the diagnosis since many of the symptoms are intertwined. i really hope your session with your therapist goes well, all the best!!
i might've yapped a little to hard unfortunately but this is something i have been wanting to talk about since i suffered through a bad friendship because of the "i have these symptoms so yall need to keep up im not changing" mentality ://

You should take this test https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/. It’s not a diagnosis, but it helps gauge where you might be on the spectrum. Autism/Adhd can be difficult to get diagnosed (especially if you are a woman), so make sure to bring up what you feel like you can relate to your therapist so they can do an assessment. Good luck!

NOO I am so glad u yapped so much about it and I am so with u atp. Like anytime I talk with someone about adhd and tism I say it’s an assumption and I am waiting for my appointment (I basically have to wait for 10months but I am not mad)
I feel like explaining and saying “Yeah I think I got XY but not sure” or saying “this and that action comes down this and that situation in my past” is a way to let people know, but should never be an excuse. Like we would NEVER let a murdere call innocent for their reason, the reason is just an indicator of how bad the punishment will be.
I am sorry you had to experience such a shitty friendship and I am glad you got rid of it (at least I hope so)
I genuinely don’t like those “Aww I saw some symptoms of XY on TikTok, now I have said XY” like get a fucking job or find a therapist/doc who diagnose XY.
But I also feel like certain self diagnoses are valid, like if u spend A LOT of time researching and got deeeep into the topi, I feel like it can be better than a “professional” diagnosie.
Like I am suspecting myself of ADHD (also got a confusing diagnose (the neurologist was not good) ) but I am also suspecting myself of autism, but I don’t want anyone to go and say “blah blah u don’t have a diagnose so it does not count” like I am waiting for my appointment to be diagnosed.
Lmao sorry for oversharing