Minseo, I'm pleasantly surprised

BitterCitrus May 26, 2024 5:25 pm

Ok, so my take on Minseo is like this: I really liked her in the beginning of the story. She was integrated in a natural way as an important part of MC llife. But later on Idk what happened but the author started to push her in where she didn't belong? She started to appear at weird times and her dialogue wasn't always hitting. That is why she came of as annoying (at least to me).

To my surpsrise the author managed to regain the vibe of her character from the earlier chapters and I really liked ch 64-66. The confession was adorable and had me kicking my feet. This is the vibe I was looking for in this romantic subplot!!!! Keep it up! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Aki May 26, 2024 7:14 pm

    Yesss!!! The author did her dirty by making her look annoying but thankfully the author redeemed her (idk the word)