I wouldn't consider the top fat tbh

Davey4139 May 26, 2024 9:36 am

I low-key think this author thinks if anything weight more than a feather is fat. I know asian culture and beauty standards are different than western ones. But by the look the it the top not fat, he's chubby/fluffy at most. is he heavy? Yes, 280 lbs is heavy. But I feel like they could've shifted the story where the bottom is not into athletic type or people instead of the weight. Cause so far the story is a bit poorly written in the aspect of trying to be body positive. Whilst promoting very unhealthy body types, especially for the skinny/thin body type (skinny one thing but ribs and bones showing are unhealthy) ( ̄へ ̄)

    bi-lateral_general May 27, 2024 8:37 pm

    I don’t understand why anyone thinks this story is trying to be body positive in the first place? And even if you go online, you will constantly see people call someone fat if they don’t have a constant 6 pack. He has a healthy amount of body fat which is super hot imo, but let’s not pretend that this story is about body positivity.

    peachmilk May 27, 2024 9:35 pm

    This autor has other stories with non incredibly skinny characters and their weight never gets mentioned or seen as bad so i don't think it's a prejudice the autor has. I think it's more like for a korean audience this is insensible but funny but for other cultures it just feels like a hate crime lmao