Idk if anyone has pointed this out but the vibes I get from the heroes are, Female Hero: F...

Fujoshit May 26, 2024 1:20 am

Idk if anyone has pointed this out but the vibes I get from the heroes are, Female Hero: Female Gaze & Written by female writer. Male Hero: Male Gaze & Written by Male Writer

    Nizze June 15, 2024 11:46 am

    Hm... the female hero I kinda agree... except that dumb uber revealing armor bikini style she got from the goddess. Fortunately it only appeared once.
    About the male hero... I feel it's more like a call out or parody of a male hero by a male gaze. Childish, chuuni, stewpid, coward and only got women thanks to a skill. Thinks himself great but is only being used.
    Honestly asides the usual fanservice we need to put up with the only thing that kinda bothered me ia the misogynistic polygamy. Even that first 2 wives are for love and kids and the rest is political and free to cheat is dang shitty.
    My only happiness is mc not just accepting any and every woman around him into his bed and being not really interested in that aspect of life. So I'll keep reading for now.