is this actually good?

levipleasecallmeback May 25, 2024 8:43 pm

sometimes action bl is super underwhelming, does this one focus on building the plot and backstory

    ☂WooSanShipper☂ May 26, 2024 10:39 pm

    It actually does! Aside from all the sex, it had a well-made and thorough plot and backstory which is what keeps me reading!

    levipleasecallmeback May 27, 2024 9:39 am
    It actually does! Aside from all the sex, it had a well-made and thorough plot and backstory which is what keeps me reading! ☂WooSanShipper☂

    if it’s well made and fleshes out their characters count me in?? it bothers me when something is labeled as action bl, but it’s main focus is smut/sa + the rest being a small amount of story building
