
Lamrzz May 25, 2024 6:12 pm

So I have a question
What if she dies in this life? Does she keep repeating lives? Idk of it was mentioned or I forgot about it….is there like a set limit? A curse to break?

    StoryofMinglan May 25, 2024 7:15 pm

    She can no longer kill herself. It’s suicide that causes her to regress ten years. Of she commits suicide again, chances her she will no longer exist as a human being. However, she can die naturally and hopefully if she dies naturally in this life it’s according to her pre-determined death.

    Lamrzz May 25, 2024 10:20 pm
    She can no longer kill herself. It’s suicide that causes her to regress ten years. Of she commits suicide again, chances her she will no longer exist as a human being. However, she can die naturally and hopef... StoryofMinglan

    Thank you!