Everything is going super fast

hikari May 25, 2024 3:43 pm

First of all, it's kinda funny when she said his hands were cold. Of course they are, you're touching his armored hands, LOL.

But kidding aside, why did the fairies die? Out of nowhere and because they went back to where they came from? should be? Is it because Felix is regaining his taste and because they're connected to him? So if he's fully cured, they'll be gone? It was quite expeditiously written because the scenario was brief and brushed through.

Ngl, I noticed that the events are jumping quite fast, that it was pretty subtle and harmonious to a fully dramatic and ominous shift. I know dramas are needed, but it also need a build up. Calm down, author.

The shifts are weirdly written but it's still a cute read. Love the art!

    hikari May 25, 2024 3:48 pm

    Saw the spoilers. I was right with the fact that the fairies are connected to him. Kinda hinted with how they can feel Felix's emotions. So both fairies represented certain unknown emotions, I guess, that he regained? It's still off and vague, but I got the gist of it. Still, confusing and rushed. I don't even know what those emotions are, but I hope everything will clear out throughout the storyline.

    Oikawa plush June 3, 2024 12:54 am
    Saw the spoilers. I was right with the fact that the fairies are connected to him. Kinda hinted with how they can feel Felix's emotions. So both fairies represented certain unknown emotions, I guess, that he re... hikari

    Maybe like nervousness, anxiety, happy, sad, fear, and loneliness? Because he isn't lonely anymore and he isn't afraid to eat anymore either??