Nooooooooo waaaaaaaayyyy!!!! I mean I always knew that Dmitri was a bit too weird and kinda touchy with Caeser here. Idk if you remember but remember when Leewon didn't talk to Caeser and Caeser was sulking in his study and I remember that Dmitri went in mentioning about that if they fucked he wouldn't be able to get off of the bed. It was something like that but since you're mentioning that, they definitely kept the almost creepiness part on Dmitri. But is it only on Twitter? Cuz I don't got Twitter.

Yeah this whole thing explains why Dmitri has feelings for him and and Caesar normalizes incest on the manhwa…they both are sick in the head
You can read the novel on tappytoon

I’m reading the novel and it’s never mentioned Dimitri and Caesar had sex. Yes it’s acknowledged by several ppl that Dimitri’s obsession with Ceasar is fanatical but that’s it. I’m gonna re-read but I’m sure there is no incest. Which tbh is the least of Caesar’s issues, bc the corpse thing is true . Yuck

I didn't get to finish my last comment because of my damn pudgy thumb accidently clicking postಠᴥಠ. Anyways, I've just signed in to tappy toon because honestly I never knew there was a novel of it and I have never seen anyone mention it. I also want to read the difference between the manga and the novel since I've been told that there is some things that had not been added to the manga. But you confirming the necro shit, has me even more scared.

If you can read it on Tappytoon, do it, it’s really well translated.I’m not excusing it bc honestly it had me like jaw on the floor, but there is a part in the epilogue where it’s Caesar’s POV and he describes ejaculation as a necessity like breathing. He doesn’t think about it and never has orgasmed or experienced ecstasy,, he just releases. So his partners are holes for that sole purpose, so I think the corpse thing was an (extreme)extension of that, he didn’t finish ejaculating and the hole was still there (sorry, I’m grossed out typing that ). The novel just confirms he’s a total sociopath.

Lord have mercy.... You had me speechless cuz damn the author did too much. That is one crazy POV, like I can't blame you for feeling grossed out cuz that is gnarly and obviously not a good way. I'm actually kinda glad they didn't add any of that to the manga tbh. It didn't any of that and it's better off that way.

Yes, right bf he met Leewon actually. The woman was sent by Lomonosov to assassinate Ceasar, whom Ceasar later killed and desecrated her dead body. The inner monologue of when he first meets Leewon isn’t too great either. Lomonosov rightly says Ceasar is a monster but also acknowledges that he and Sasha, Caesar’s father, created that monster.
Caesar killed a woman who tried to kill him, and then he raped her corpse in the novel. btw this’s NOT a spoiler, they decided not to add this part to the manhwa. Caesar is A LOT worse than what we think, he did many other weird shit on the novel..it’s crazy