Let’s talk abt the sister??

Sapphire May 25, 2024 10:23 am

Like am I the only one who absolutely hated the sister? like ain’t no way she just let her kid brother be abused and shamed throughout his childhood to make sure he would never compete against her for the company, wtf bro? Like she seriously said that she could’ve helped ML but chose not to and only pretended she was going to so he would develop a weak, insecure personality that wouldn’t want the company???? It also bugged me a bit at the end when MC said he was grateful that the sister kept an eye out for ML despite what they put her through. She only helped them (and barely helped them) because she got what she wanted alr through ML’s past suffering…none of the characters were rly that likable in general though. MC and ML were okay, Minho had some slight potential at the end and that’s about it.

I actually thought MC was kinda OOC near the end when he had the foreshadowing dream of ML being stabbed. His character design is feeling responsible for preventing the accidents in his visions and he feels guilty when he’s unable to save everyone (e.g., that dude during the fire that ML attacked), but he just dismissed a dream of someone literally bleeding out in his arms?

MC and ML near the end were okay for me, I don’t really hate either and both had issues. MC isn’t responsible for ML’s emotional state, and he didn’t know about his trauma or hallucinations either. He’s entitled to his own reactions. Didn’t fully understand either of their actions tho tbh, like why MC was so shocked and appalled that ML had powers and knew abt his powers or why ML didn’t tell MC abt his powers this whole time. I feel like the story would’ve been nicer if it kept the same genre and mood as the beginning, just ML flirting with MC and flustering him with his advances while MC got through life and his job with his powers and being mega embarrassed while doing so. Light plot and heavy on romance, rather than the characterization arcs that made their relationship toxic, but the story as is isn’t too bad either.

    Ethan. foster June 26, 2024 11:53 am

    I agree I hate his sister. I have a younger brother ( I am a girl btw) and if my parents treated him like ML parents I have have made their life miserable and taken my brother away as far as possible. Really if you are so smart and talented that you you be the new boss if the company then you should have enough sense to also able to protect your brother.